Environmental Conservation School Children and Mitsubishi Electric India Employees Plant Trees to Beat Concrete Expansion in Gurgaon
Mitsubishi Electric India (MEI) initiated a tree planting drive at the Huda City Centre, in Sector 29 of Gurgaon. The tree planting drive was a part of the MEI CSR Initiative to promote greenery in Gurgaon City. With more and more concrete expansion, Gurgaon—a satellite city of Delhi— has lost most of its green cover. However, with constant attention being given to the issue, several organizations have rallied together over the past few years to restore the green cover.
The activity was carried out on August 30, 2014, in partnership with an NGO and Bluebells International School in Gurgaon, from which over 50 students participated on the day of the tree planting.
Since the inception of the tree planting campaign last year, with the movement in line with the environmental statement "Eco Changes," a significant number of trees have been planted in Gurgaon. This campaign is usually launched during the monsoon season with the active participation of local school children.
MEI has planted over 8,000 saplings, which have had a minimal mortality rate since they are cared for by a team of gardeners and an irrigation supervisor, who combined put in 1,200 man-hours per month for the upkeep and maintenance of the plants.

Environmental Conservation Tree Planting in Gurgaon for a Greener Tomorrow
Mitsubishi Electric India (MEI) has always been a "green" company and a pioneer in promoting eco-friendly technologies.
On October 26, 2013, MEI conducted a tree planting at the Huda City Centre, Sector 29, in Gurgaon. The tree planting, a part of MEI's CSR initiatives to promote greenery in Gurgaon City, was carried out with the collaboration of an NGO and Kendriya Vidyalya, a school in Gurgaon from which over 50 students participated in the tree planting.
More than 50 employees from the Gurgaon office of MEI attended the event and planted trees to improve the local environment. The MEI employees and students of Kendriya Vidyalaya not only had a chance to connect with nature, but also learned about the importance of trees for mankind, the consequences of deforestation such as global warming and resource depletion, and more.
Since the event, MEI has been overseeing the area where the trees were planted and continues to support the regular upkeep of the land, to ensure the health of the saplings and favorable soil conditions. To date, MEI has planted a total of 6860 saplings and has maintained a minimal mortality rate for them by dedicating four gardeners and an irrigation supervisor, who combined put in 1200 labor hours per month, to the upkeep of the plants.

Science and Technology Mitsubishi Electric India Pioneering Skill Development in Technical Education Institutions
Mitsubishi Electric India (MEI) places its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen at the core of its functioning. It contributes to the creation of a prosperous, comfortable, and sustainable society through its products and services. The Factory Automation Centre (FAC) department of the Factory Automation & Industrial Division (FAID) division of MEI has taken a positive step in this regard by training students and donating automation kits to technical education institutions.
MEI understands that more than 1.2 billion people are living in India, which accounts to 17 to 18% of the world population. It is estimated that the population in India will rise to approximately 1.5 billion in 2025 and become the world's most populous country, surpassing China. Human resource development will be a vital issue for India since there is a wide gap between theories taught at institutions and employable practical knowledge. In order to lessen the skill gap in technical institutions, MEI has started a learning and development program whose aim is to provide employable practical training to the students of these institutions.
Furthermore, under its CSR initiatives MEI has donated a total of 95,563 USD worth of Q PLC, FX PLC, and IQ software in the past year, which has helped to propagate awareness about automation among young Indian engineers by exposing them to world-class Factory Automation products from Mitsubishi Electric. The initiative has targeted 14 technical institutions to date, influencing the lives of approximately 5000 students across India.