Sustainability management
Initiative / External evaluation

UN Global Compact
A voluntary initiative to participate in creating a global framework to achieve sustainable growth.

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
An international initiative providing standards, tools and guidance which allow companies to set greenhouse gas emission reduction targets based on scientific evidence.
Mitsubishi Electric Updated SBTi-certified Targets in Line with 1.5-degree Centigrade Trajectory

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
A framework for disclosure of financial information on a company’s climate change-related initiatives and impacts.

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
An industry coalition that supports continuous improvements in social, environmental, and ethical responsibility of the supply chain and works toward responsible business conduct in global supply chains.
Mitsubishi Electric Joins the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER)
Established in June 2022. An organization that aims to support and encourage companies in handling grievances.

Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)
An organization established in January 2019 as a public-private partnership to help solve marine plastic waste problems.
Joining the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA) (in Japanese)

GX League
A forum for companies seeking sustainable economic growth in present and future society, to collaborate with government and academia in tackling the challenge of green transformation (GX), with a focus on achieving carbon neutrality and social transformation by 2050.
Mitsubishi Electric Participates in METI’s GX League (in Japanese)

Ministry of the Environment (30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity)
A voluntary alliance of companies, local governments, and NGOs aimed at achieving the conservation or protection of at least 30% of land and sea areas as healthy ecosystems by 2030.
24/7 Carbon Free Energy Compact
An international initiative established by the United Nations in 2021 with the goal of decarbonizing electricity worldwide.
Mitsubishi Electric Joins UN’s 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Compact
Other Major Initiatives
- Japan Business Federation (Keidanren)
- Japan Association of Corporate Executives
- The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
- Communications and Information Network Association of Japan
- The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ Association
- The Japan Machinery Federation
- Council on Competitiveness-Nippon
- Japanese Standards Association
- Japan Intellectual Property Association
- Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation
External Evaluation

FTSE Blossom Japan Index Series
Mitsubishi Electric has been selected as a constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. These indexes have also been adopted as investment outlets by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF).

Mitsubishi Electric was selected as a "Supplier Engagement Leader," the highest ranking, in the 2023 Supplier Engagement Rating. It is the fourth consecutive year since 2020 and seventh time that Mitsubishi Electric has earned the top ranking. Mitsubishi Electric was also selected for the highest "A List" ranking for Climate Change and Water Security activities in 2023.

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index
Mitsubishi Electric has been selected as a constituent of the S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index. The Index, which is constructed by S&P Dow Jones Indices, is based on carbon emission data by Trucost, which assesses risks relating to climate change, natural resource constraints, and broader environmental, social, and governance factors. The index has also been adopted as an investment outlet by GPIF.

PRIDE Index 2023
Mitsubishi Estate received the highest ranking Gold award for the second consecutive year in "PRIDE Index 2023,"* an index to evaluate initiatives for LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities in workplaces.
Mitsubishi Electric Receives PRIDE Index 2023 Gold Award for Second Consecutive Year (in Japanese)

Mitsubishi Electric has received Eruboshi (Grade 2) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as an outstanding enterprise in promoting women’s participation and career advancement.
Positive Impact Finance
In 2023, Mitsubishi Electric entered into and executed its first financing agreement with MUFG Bank for Positive Impact Finance (PIF) provided by the Bank.
Mitsubishi Electric Enters into a PIF Agreement with MUFG Bank (in Japanese)