Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050
In recent years, corporations are expected to make long-term, sustained efforts to solve global environmental issues. The Mitsubishi Electric Group’s new Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050 defines environmental protection as an even greater corporate priority and stipulates increased initiatives toward this end. It establishes Mitsubishi Electric’s future course toward 2050 in the form of the Environmental Declaration, Three Environmental Action Guidelines, and Key Initiatives.

Three Environmental Action Guidelines
Apply diverse technologies in wide-ranging business areas to solve environmental issues
The Mitsubishi Electric Group shall utilize diverse technological assets throughout wide-ranging business areas, and across the entire value chain, to solve various environmental issues, including climate change, resource circulation and coexisting harmoniously with nature.
Key Activities
・Climate Change Measures
- 1) Promoting and disseminating outstanding energy-saving products, systems, services and renewable energy businesses, together with our stakeholders, we will contribute to reducing greenhouse gases worldwide.
- 2) Respecting the global shift toward carbon neutrality, we will promote the reduction of greenhouse gases throughout the value chain, from development, design, procurement of raw materials and production through sales, distribution, use and disposal. Our present target is to reduce CO2 emissions to net-zero by 2050.
- 3) Observing changes in the global environment, we will provide solutions that contribute to minimizing the risks of natural disasters.
・Resource Circulation
- 1) Reducing the size and weight of products, we will consider the use of recycled materials and recyclability rate of the products and systems we produce.
- 2) Eliminating resource waste throughout the value chain, we will strive to maximize the effective use of resources.
- 3) We will work to expand the supply of safe, clean water globally, as well as to enforce water treatment that does not pollute oceans and rivers.
- 4) We will promote the effective use of water taking the water environment of each region into consideration.
- 5) We will promote resource circulation businesses globally, such as reuse, repair of products/systems and waste reduction.
- 6) We will aim to achieve 100% effective use of wastes, such as plastics, generated during manufacturing processes.
・Live in Harmony with Nature
- 1) Throughout the Group, we will carry out activities to preserve biodiversity in the mountains, rivers, and oceans, and at all business sites, and promote the development of local environments and human resources to be passed to future generations.
- 2) We will work to control, suppress, substitute, and properly dispose of harmful substances that may affect the natural environment.
Challenge to develop business innovations for future generations
The Mitsubishi Electric Group shall draw on internal and external strengths, combine them when required to resolve difficult issues, and take on the challenge of developing technologies and business innovations for future generations.
Key Activities
・Long-term Activities
- 1) We will set specific indices and action items while considering future prospects in the mid-term Environmental Plan formulated every three years.
- 2) We will verify the validity of long-term goals approximately every five years, doing so considering international agreements, foreign affairs and business conditions.
- 1) We will cooperate with other companies and institutions, and use our technological assets, technologies and business synergies to create innovative technologies and solutions.
- 2) We will proactively adopt innovational technologies and solutions that enable us to lead manufacturing in future generations.
・Nurturing Human Resources
- 1) We will foster a corporate culture in which employees, as ordinary citizens, take the initiative on creating new lifestyles in harmony with nature.
- 2) We will develop highly specialized human resources who accept diverse values, and proactively work on environmental issues.
Publicize and share new values and lifestyles
The Mitsubishi Electric Group shall promote active dialogue, collaboration, and co-creation with all stakeholders, publicizing and sharing new values and lifestyles that will result in living comfortably, in harmony with nature.
Key Activities
・Understanding Needs
- 1) We will work to understand our customers’ needs and expectations for the environment through sales activities, exhibitions, events, and other initiatives.
- 2) We will hold discussions with stakeholders, and confirm the validity of our environmental targets and measures, to promote more effective environmental activities.
・Co-create and Disseminate New Values
- 1) We will propose new lifestyles that provide the pleasure of contributing to the environment through the use of our products, systems, and services.
・Live in Harmony with the Region
- 1) We will hold discussions with local residents and municipalities, and contribute to creating a better local environment, including Satoyama conservation and bio-diversity preservation activities at business sites.

Environmental Activities for a Sustainable Future

Contribution to SDGs through solving the environmental issues
News releases