

  • Released the MELCOM80 small business computer with Greo.
  • Optical neurocomputer successfully recognized the 26 letters of the alphabet.
  • Listed on the London and Paris stock exchanges.
  • Implemented automated production and CIM for ventilation fan motors.
  • Developed and began mass-production of super current limiting breakers.
  • Developed an electronic-device cleaning process using ultra-fine ice particles.
  • Achieved sales in excess of 2 trillion yen (2,230.1 billion yen for fiscal 1989).


  • Installed spiral escalators in a shopping center in San Francisco.
  • Developed and implemented an elevator control system that uses AI/fuzzy logic.
  • Developed a prototype optical neurochip, paving the way for the development of an optical neurocomputer.
  • Developed a low-power digitized hydraulic elevator featuring pressure-compensated controls.
  • Began running the Mitsubishi Electric "MIND" VAN.
 photo: 1988 Spiral escalator

1988 Spiral escalator


  • Released the MELDAS 300 series, the world's first 32-bit CNC.
  • Released the MELCOM EX860, 870 and 880 mainframe computers.
  • Released the cluster ion beam unit, which is effective in forming superconducting membranes.
  • Developed a 4 MB DRAM chip small enough to fit on a 300 mil wide DIP.


  • Released the ML806T2 carbon-dioxide gas laser processing machine.
  • Released the MELMUX network-type high-speed digital multiplexer.
  • Produced the world's first sequential inference machine, MELCOM PSI.
  • Introduced a cordless car telephone.
  • Developed a compact cassette-type high-definition VCR.
  • Began mass production of 1Mbit DRAMs, and successfully developed and test-manufactured 4Mbit DRAMs.


  • Released the MIBASS intelligent building system.
  • Released a 37-inch color TV.
  • Received order as the prime contractor for FUYO-1 (JERS-1), the first large-scale Earth resources satellite manufactured in Japan.
  • Produced a working videoconferencing system using a vector quantization.
  • Began sales of the "Super Scrum" series circuit breakers.
photo: 1985 37-inch color television

37-inch color television


  • Produced the spiral escalator.
  • Mass-produced high-output semiconductor lasers, on a par with the highest world standards, for use in optical communications.


  • Released a color TV with a built-in TV printer.
  • Produced a working version of a microwave-discharge light-emitting device.
  • Named the prime contractor for the nation's first domestically produced communications satellite, CS-3.
  • Began mass production of 256K DRAMs and developed a 1Mbit DRAM.


  • Produced an optical pickup for use in compact disc players.
  • Developed a 50 kW phosphoric acid fuel cell.


  • Produced the ML-1000P carbon-dioxide gas laser oscillator.


  • Supplied Japan's first 45m-diameter radio telescope, to Tokyo Planetarium.
  • Delivered the first Diamond Vision(TM) mammoth outdoor color video-display system, to Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.
  • Achieved sales in excess of 1 trillion yen (1,075.4 billion yen for fiscal 1979).