
Social data

Human Capital

Employment situation

Mitsubishi Electric
Category FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Full-time employee Total 35,649 persons 36,162 persons 36,700 persons 35,136 persons 36,520 persons
Men 31,997 persons 32,346 persons 32,701 persons 31,141 persons 32,109 persons
Women 3,652 persons 3,816 persons 3,999 persons 3,995 persons 4,411 persons
Temporary staff Total 7,105 persons 6,838 persons 6,682 persons 6,505 persons 6,636 persons
Men 4,179 persons 4,092 persons 4,130 persons 4,283 persons
Women 2,659 persons 2,590 persons 2,375 persons 2,353 persons
Average age Total 40.5 years of age 40.7 years of age 41.1 years of age 41.3 years of age 41.4 years of age
Men 40.6 years of age 41.0 years of age 41.3 years of age 41.4 years of age
Women 41.2 years of age 41.3 years of age 41.3 years of age 41.2 years of age
Average number of years worked Total 16.4 years 16.6 years 16.9 years 16.9 years 16.7 years
Men 16.5 years 16.8 years 16.9 years 16.8 years
Women 17.2 years 17.1 years 16.9 years 16.3 years
Turnover rate Total 2.7% 2.3% 2.7% 2.8% 3.3%
Men 2.2% 2.7% 2.8% 3.3%
Women 2.4% 3.1% 3.5% 3.4%
Average annual wage Full-time employee Total 8,069,144 yen 7,963,544 yen 8,067,252 yen 8,273,671 yen 8,298,631 yen
Gender difference*1 70.8% 71.6% 71.4% 71.3% 71.7%
All workers Gender difference*1 58.5% 60.7% 61.0% 61.5% 62.4%
Full-time employee*2 Gender difference*1 62.3% 63.5% 63.6% 63.6% 64.4%
Non-regular employee Gender difference*1 66.5% 63.5% 62.4% 63.2% 61.8%
Diversity & inclusion Managerial position Held by
Women (%)*3
2.0% 1.9% 2.3% 2.6% 3.1%
Manager-equivalent position*4 Held by
Women (%)
3.9% 4.1% 4.3% 4.5% 4.9%
Regular position Total 25,138 persons 25,308 persons 25,391 persons 24,559 persons 25,403 persons
Held by
Women (%)
7.0% 7.3% 7.6% 8.2% 8.8%
  1. *1 Women’s average annual wage compared to men’s average annual wage, expressed as a percentage
  2. *2 Full-time employees and non-regular employees who are full-time, open-ended
  3. *3 Percentage of managerial positions held by women
  4. *4 Persons with work tasks and responsibilities that are equivalent to those of a section manager

Employee breakdown per segment and Business Area

Mitsubishi Electric Group (Unit: No. of people)
Segment FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Energy & Electric Systems 46,852 47,697 47,113
Industrial Automation Systems 33,544 32,975 32,692
Information & Communication Systems 15,042 13,900 13,818
Electronic Devices 5,431 5,323 5,393
Home Appliances 27,462 27,545 28,710
Other 12,643 12,603 12,329
Common 5,544 5,610 5,641
Total 146,518 145,653 145,696

Mitsubishi Electric Group (Unit: No. of people)
Business Area(BA) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Infrastructure BA 21,840 22,033
Industry & Mobility BA 31,897 31,593
Life BA 61,833 61,051
Business Platform BA 11,557 4,912
Other 16,575 17,041
Common 5,953 6,656
Total 149,655 149,134

New graduates

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: No. of people)
October 2020 and April 2021 (result) October 2021 and April 2022 (result) October 2022 and April 2023 (result) October 2023 and April 2024 (projection) October 2024 and April 2025 (plan)
Mitsubishi Electric Engineering positions 560 500 600 650 650
Sales & administrative positions 170 200 200 200 200
Technical positions 210 200 300 250 250
Total 940 900 1,100 1,100 1,100
Group companies in Japan 1,370 1,200 1,300 1,500 1,700
Total 2,310 2,100 2,400 2,600 2,800

Mid-career hires

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: No. of people)
FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 (plan)
Mitsubishi Electric 420 400 900 1,000 1,000
Group companies in Japan 660 700 1,000 1,400 1,400
Total 1,080 1,100 1,900 2,400 2,400

Percentage of women among all new hires

Mitsubishi Electric (Unit: %)
FY2021 (result) FY2022 (result) FY2023 (result) FY2024 (result) FY2025 (projection)
Overall 18.8 20.0 23.3 18.4 18.9
Sales & administrative positions 37.0 38.0 44.3 36.1 43.9
Engineering positions 13.4 14.4 15.0 11.3 10.7

Employment rate of people with disabilities

Consolidated across three companies* (Unit: %)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
2.28 2.34 2.39 2.47 2.49
  1. * Actual average employment rate (consolidated across three companies) Figures are fiscal year averages.

Starting salary

Mitsubishi Electric
Monthly wage Compared to the minimum wage*
High school graduate 189,000 yen 110%
Technical high school graduate 217,000 yen 126%
College graduate 250,000 yen 145%
Graduate school graduate 277,000 yen 161%
  1. * Minimum wage is calculated based on the minimum wage for Tokyo Prefecture as of March 2024 (1,113 yen per hour), working 20 8-hour days per month.

Annual human capital development and training expenses per employee

Mitsubishi Electric
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Training hours/year 25.7 hours 28.1 hours
Training expenses/year 86,000 yen 124,000 yen 147,000 yen
  1. * Results solely for training organized by corporate divisions in FY2024; does not include training conducted by divisions and production sites. (Note that trainee training is included in the results.)

Number of people from overseas participating in training programs held in Japan

Mitsubishi Electric Group (Unit: No. of people)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 Cumulative total
MGEP *1 *3 7 Canceled due to the impact of COVID-19 18 15 Not
GMW *2 *3 30 Canceled 30 27 265
  1. *1 Mitsubishi Electric Global Executive Program
  2. *2 Global Management Workshop
  3. *3 In some years, one or two selected members in Japan may participate.

Employees dispatched under the overseas OJT system

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: No. of people)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
North America 23 Canceled due to the impact of COVID-19 22 21 23
Central/South America 5 3 5 4
Europe 32 18 21 26
Middle East 0 0 3 1
South Asia, Oceania
19 14 24 18
East Asia 21 16 10 12
Total 100 73 84 84

Evaluation indicators related to workplace culture improvement initiatives

Mitsubishi Electric (Unit: %)
Result for 2H FY2022 Result for 1H FY2023 Result for 2H FY2023 Result for 1H FY2024 Result for 2H FY2024 FY2026 Goal
Employee Engagement Score (Percentage of employees who are proud and motivated to work for the Company) * 54 54 54 54 55 70 or more
Percentage of employees who responded that they had a good work-life balance 65 65 66 68 68 70 or more
  1. *Average percentage of positive responses to the five questions in the annual employee engagement survey: "Pride in working for the Company," "Willingness to contribute," "Desire to change jobs," "Encouraging others to join the Company," and "Sense of achievement through work"

Monthly overtime hours per employee

Mitsubishi Electric (Unit: hours)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
27.4 24.9 26.2 25.1 23.7

Utilization of childcare and family care programs

Mitsubishi Electric (Unit: No. of people)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Childcare leave Total 414 513 634 747 804
Men 66 144 240 362 435
Women 348 369 394 385 369
Spousal childbirth leave Men 861 920 923 991 1,034
Prematernal/postnatal absence Women 198 204 209 204 196
Rate of taking leave from work(%) Total - - - - -
Men*1 59.1% 64.9% 67.8% 76.1% 85.1%
Women*2 100% 99% 99% 100% 100%
Shorter working hours during childcare Total 406 406 413 413 435
Men 14 13 16 13 17
Women 392 393 397 400 418
Shorter working hours during pregnancy Women 14 3 11 11 12
Nursing leave Total 16 12 15 25 15
Men 7 6 8 16 11
Women 9 6 7 9 4
Shorter working hours for nursing care Total 21 16 27 27 42
Men 1 4 1 2 4
Women 20 12 26 25 38
Nursing absence Total 48 26 31 40 49
Men 29 6 19 26 35
Women 19 20 12 14 14
  1. *1 Includes spousal childbirth leave
  2. *2 Excludes cases of overlapping prematernal/postnatal absence and childcare leave

Human Rights

Human rights and harassment prevention education

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: No. of people)
Format Scope FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Group training session Mitsubishi Electric New employees 927 833 941 912 1,060
Newly appointed managers 584 478 436 534 554
Employees in charge of new employee training 713 696 828
e-learning Mitsubishi Electric 39,001 40,213
Group Companies in Japan 35,085 52,596

Main agenda items of the Human Rights Subcommittee

Agenda item
First meeting
  • Confirmation of the purpose of establishing the Human Rights Subcommittee
  • Background on the need for human rights initiatives and the current status of the Mitsubishi Electric Group
  • Future action items for the Human Rights Subcommittee to promote
  • Report on the results of the fiscal 2022 Human Rights Impact Assessment and discussion of improvement activities, etc.
Second meeting
  • Approval of proposed improvement activities based on the results of the fiscal 2022 Human Rights Impact Assessment
  • Approval of mid- to long-term human rights goals and the roadmap
  • Outline of sustainability procurement activities and use of the RBA management process
  • Complaint handling mechanism (membership in JaCER)
  • Japanese government guidelines, etc.
Third meeting
  • Report on activities in fiscal 2023
  • Approval of the activity plan for fiscal 2024

Occupational Safety & Health

Frequency of fatal accidents

Mitsubishi Electric Group
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Fatal accidents Domestic 0 0 0 0 0
Overseas 3 0 0 0 2
Number of accidents causing lost worktime Mitsubishi Electric 0 3 3 10 9
Frequency rate of industrial accidents(%) Mitsubishi Electric 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.07

Targets and results of "MHP Lively and Exciting Action" activities

Health satisfaction

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: %)
Target Target value
(by FY2027)
FY2024 result
Good appetite Percentage of people who have an appetite and enjoy their meals 90.0 or more 88.2
Good sleep Percentage of people who sleep comfortably and soundly 80.0 or more 55.9
Good bowl movements Percentage of people with good bowel movements that leave them feeling comfortable 80.0 or more 65.5

Lifestyle habits

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: %)
Target Target value
(by FY2027)
FY2024 result
Food People who can control the quantity and quality of the food they eat 50 or more 16.1
Exercise People who engage in weekly exercise that gets them breathing more and working a sweat 50 or more 32.3
People who walk an average of 8,000 steps or more in a day 50 or more 31.5
Sleep People who get enough sleep and are well rested 60 or more 42.1
Oral hygiene People who brush their teeth three times a day or more 40 or more 25.8
People who regularly undergo professional tartar removal or prophylaxis dental cleaning 65 or more 52.4
Smoking People who do not smoke 90 or more 79.3
Alcohol People who can drink alcohol in a moderated and controlled manner 90 or more 67.9

Employees who took safety and health education programs

Mitsubishi Electric Group (in Japan) (Unit: No. of people)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Training for newly appointed safety and health section managers Mitsubishi Electric 14 6 7 12 11
Training for newly appointed safety and health members Group Companies in Japan 43 43 42 45 89
Training for newly appointed safety and health promotion members Mitsubishi Electric 24 46 33 40 29
Training for newly appointed occupational health physicians and public health nurses Mitsubishi Electric 16 13 8 9 14
Liaison meetings for safety and health members Mitsubishi Electric 39 54 58 79 39
Company-wide safety and health education (for general employees) Mitsubishi Electric 37,557 33,639 33,916 34,161 35,247
Company-wide safety and health education (for managers and supervisors) Mitsubishi Electric - 4,814 4,864 4,849 4,983

Supply Chain Management (Procurement)

Number of smelting companies identified in a survey of conflict minerals

Mitsubishi Electric Group (Unit: No. of companies)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Number of smelting companies identified 337 364 486 350 349
Tin 91 108 165 83 83
Tantalum 42 43 50 37 36
Tungsten 48 50 69 52 53
Gold 156 163 202 178 177

Responses to the green accreditation/CSR Procurement survey form and rate of green accreditation certification

Mitsubishi Electric Group (Unit: No. of companies)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2014
All Mitsubishi Electric Group companies Surveyed suppliers 1,721 1,660 1,549 499 No survey was conducted in FY2024 due to a transition period as we shift to surveys aligned with the Mitsubishi Electric Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct.
Survey carried out by Mitsubishi Electric (scope: Mitsubishi Electric) Surveyed suppliers 552 580 934 338
Existing suppliers 455 511 809 252
New suppliers 97 69 125 86
Response rate (%) 82 88 82 83
Rate of green accreditation certification 94 91 92 89
Survey carried out by domestic and overseas affiliated companies (scope: domestic and overseas affiliated companies) Surveyed suppliers 1,169 1,080 615 161
Response rate (%) 74 71 84 82


・ The survey on existing suppliers is carried out every three years in principle with principal suppliers who fall within the top 80% in terms of purchase amounts.

・ The above figures include cases where the companies resubmitted their survey response after receiving improvement instructions.

Results of green accreditation and CSR procurement surveys among suppliers
- Number of suppliers given guidance and the content of the guidance

Mitsubishi Electric (Unit: No. of companies)
FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Environment Companies given guidance 52 64 52 27 No survey was conducted in FY2024 due to a transition period as we shift to surveys aligned with the Mitsubishi Electric Group Supply Chain Code of Conduct.
Content of guidance Strengthening management of chemical substances contained in products (creating management rules and understanding the chemical substances contained in products) Clarifying the person in charge of environment management (participating in environment management conducted by management at business partners)
Human rights, labor practices, safety and health Companies given guidance 188 114 96 114
Content of guidance Encouraging secondary suppliers to take up sustainability practices

Survey on foreign technical intern trainees
- Items to be improved and the number of companies

Mitsubishi Electric
Matters to be improved No. of companies (may be duplicated)
A procedure or mechanism for "accepting requests" and "considering taking measures" for cases where special facilities must be provided for religious reasons (worship, meals, etc.) is absent 9
Important indications for safety and health, such as dangerous goods labels and the display of evacuation routes, are not displayed in languages understood by technical intern trainees 17
Matters supervised by the supervising organization are not recorded or saved 5
A mechanism for internal or external whistleblowing has not been built 2

Philanthropic Activities

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Mitsubishi Electric Group (Japan)*1 Social contribution expenditure*2 1.11 billion yen 0.70 billion yen 2.19 billion yen 1.77 billion yen 2.26 billion yen
Mitsubishi Electric Satoyama woodland preservation activities 81 times 39 times 38 times Conducted at 38 business sites Conducted at 37 business sites
Mitsubishi Electric Outdoor Classroom 25 times 26 times 36 times
Mitsubishi Electric Science Workshop 76 times 4 times 21 times 28 times 46 times
Donations through matching gift program 34
million yen
million yen
million yen
million yen
million yen
  • *1 Until 2020: Mitsubishi Electric only; Starting in 2021: Mitsubishi Electric and major affiliated companies in and outside Japan
  • *2 Expenditures include philanthropic-related expenses such as internal programs and product donations.