Human rights

Human Rights Contact Desk

We accept consultations on human rights from various stakeholders at the following contact points.

Name of point of contact for whistleblowing/Consultation Matters to be consulted Contact
"Inquiries on
sustainability" and "Other Inquiries" on
the Mitsubishi Electric Group official website
  • Inquiries regarding the Mitsubishi Electric Group’s sustainability
  • Other various inquiries regarding the Mitsubishi Electric Group’s business Activities
<Global (English)>
Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights(JaCER)*1 External consultation point for human right violations mainly in supply chain of Mitsubishi Electric Group
  • *1 JaCER provides a non-judicial "Engagement and Remedy Platform" based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Through this " Engagement and Remedy Platform," accept complaints and reports regarding violations and suspected violations of international codes of conduct and domestic norms of each country, and support complaint processing by member companies.

We also have other contact points for Mitsubishi Electric group employees and our suppliers.

Service available to Name of point of contact for
Matters to be consulted Contact
Mitsubishi Electric employees,
family companies employees*1, suppliers to Mitsubishi Electric*1
Ethics observance hotline Whistleblowing
regarding organized or individual employees’ fraud,
legal violation, act of breach of Ethics
Internal points of contact/external points of contact (lawyers)*2, 3
Mitsubishi Electric
Points of contact for consultation on sexual harassment, power harassment, etc. Whistleblowing/ consultation on various types of harassment in Mitsubishi Electric’s workplace Human Resource Div. at each office of Mitsubishi Electric
  • *1 Limited to whistleblowing that is relevant to Mitsubishi Electric in personal and business aspects.
  • *2 The points of contact are listed on Mitsubishi Electric’s intranet, internal posters, "Code of Corporate Ethics and Compliance," etc.
  • *3 A whistleblowing system has been established at each domestic and overseas family companies of the Mitsubishi Electric Group.