

DIC’s challenge for the co-creation of new value through "Serendie™" with the aim of realizing a vibrant and sustainable society

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DIC’s challenge for the co-creation of new value through "Serendie™" with the aim of realizing a vibrant and sustainable society DIC’s challenge for the co-creation of new value through "Serendie™" with the aim of realizing a vibrant and sustainable society
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  • DIC’s challenge for the co-creation of new value through "Serendie™" with the aim of realizing a vibrant and sustainable society

The Mitsubishi Electric Group operates in wide-ranging fields, including electric power, railways, air conditioning, and Factory Automation (FA). It has recently announced the launch of "Serendie™," a digital platform to create cross-industry services, by aggregating and analyzing data collected from those businesses. At the same time, Mitsubishi Electric’s DX Innovation Center (DIC) started up a value co-creation program utilizing Serendie. The program aims to create new value by encouraging the encounters of data, cutting-edge technologies, and the creativity of specialists.

In this article, Ms. Sayaka Chiba of DIC will interview Mr. Nobuo Asahi, head of DIC, to unravel a future achieved by Serendie.


    Corporate Executive, Senior General Manager of DX Innovation Center, Mitsubishi ElectricNobuo Asahi (Left)

    Nobuo Asahi joined Mitsubishi Electric in 1988. He joined the Corporate Marketing Group in 2008, and the Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group in 2009. He was appointed as head of the IoT and Life Solutions New Business Promotion Center in 2020 and took his current post in April 2023.


    the Composable Systems Planning Dept of DX Innovation Center, Mitsubishi Electric Sayaka Chiba (Right)

    Sayaka Chiba joined Mitsubishi Electric in 2010, working in sales in the domestic nuclear power business at Hokkaido Branch, Energy System Center, and Head Office. After her transfer to the head office in 2019, she also engaged in nuclear fusion and research-use accelerators. She was transferred to the Corporate Marketing Group in 2021 to take charge of the company-wide promotion of digital marketing. She has been in her current post since May 2024.

Now is the Time to Push forward with DX for the Next Generation

Chiba: In 2022, Mitsubishi Electric announced its aim to transform into a "Circular Digital-engineering company." What did you think of this initiative?

Asahi: I joined Mitsubishi Electric during the second AI boom in the 1980s. Since then, I have worked in various businesses in order to promote what is now known as digital transformation (DX). In 2013, I was involved in home energy management systems (HEMS) and appointed as the first head of a "Smart Department" to lead the promotion of smart businesses. In 2020, I led the setting up of the IoT and Life Solutions New Business Promotion Center in the Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group.

Before starting up this Center, we didn’t know where and how, for example, air conditioners were used, even though we manufactured and sold them. However, the advancement of IoT technologies enabled us to obtain data as to which mode of air conditioners was used in which season, or how the equipment was used late at night. Collected data also helped in development of better products and proposals of new solutions.

Against this backdrop, in 2022, the Mitsubishi Electric Group announced its vision to transform into a Circular Digital-engineering company that provides solutions for social challenges in the collaboration of the entire Mitsubishi Electric Group. This vision involves collecting data from customers and leveraging the Group’s technologies and knowledge. This was exactly what we had been doing. I felt it was wonderful that our experiences accumulated over the years could be available for the whole Group. I was determined to offer my entire knowledge for use as the first head of DIC.

Chiba: At the time of the announcement in 2022, I was working at a department that promotes digital marketing throughout the company. Digital marketing is the use of digital data and tools to build sustained online and offline relationships with customers. This is closely connected to the philosophy of a Circular Digital-engineering company, and I feel the significance of utilizing digitally obtainable data.

However, I have to admit that there was a huge barrier for the dissemination of digital marketing that utilizes online data, in business domains where traditional trade practice had taken root, with a strong emphasis on face-to-face transactions. I imagine that you also found it challenging to communicate the philosophy of a Circular Digital-engineering company inside and outside the company.

Asahi: Absolutely. It’s true that such significant transformations always come with difficulties. Compared with the rest of the world, DX in Japan, as well as at Mitsubishi Electric, is lagging behind. The Mitsubishi Electric Group celebrated the 100th anniversary of its foundation in 2021. However, the Group will face a difficult future soon unless it makes dramatic changes to its existing systems and rules.

Perceptions may vary by generation, but the promotion of DX is a pressing issue. I urge each and every employees to understand the necessity of transformation and hope that they will take it personally and take part in activities.

Focusing on "What to Create" instead of "How to Create"

Chiba: In order to accelerate our transformation into a Circular Digital-engineering company, the digital platform "Serendie" was launched. Some may find it difficult to imagine what it is exactly. Could you enlighten us?

Asahi: "Serendie" is a platform consisting of technological infrastructure, co-creation infrastructure, human capital infrastructure, and project promotion infrastructure.

Each business group may be able to achieve a Circular Digital-engineering company by preparing their own tools individually. However, we would never be able to break away from the vertically divided structure in this way. So, we standardized data aggregation and analysis tools, as well as a Web API integration system. That’s the biggest feature of Serendie.

Chiba: What sort of idea led to the creation of Serendie?

Asahi: The proposition of a Circular Digital-engineering company is to eliminate organizational silos that vertically divided structures tend to generate and create new solutions, by gathering everyone’s knowledge. During this process, we tend to get drawn to an approach that begins with "how to achieve it." In other words, a way of thinking that starts with "How."

How do we collect and analyze data? How do we create software? It takes a long time to solve these "hows." So, we decided to create general-purpose tools as a means for "how to create."

Now that common tools have been prepared, you can all focus on "what to create." For "what to create," you can rely on everyone’s knowledge. This is how Serendie was created with the aim of the co-creation of new value.

Chiba: Various companies have been developing solution services that utilize aggregated digital data. What is the unique advantage of Serendie?

Asahi: It may be difficult to differentiate Serendie from other solution services as its technological infrastructure employs general-purpose tools used all over the world. However, the Mitsubishi Electric Group is a conglomerate enterprise that operates in a wide range of business areas. I think that’s where Serendie’s strength lies. The Mitsubishi Electric Group’s business domains cover wide-ranging areas, and the Group possesses high levels of technological capabilities and knowledge in each field. Furthermore, we have close networks with partner companies.

Thanks to these advantages, Serendie has unlimited potential to create something interesting by combining different businesses. These diversified business domains and broad networks are the Mitsubishi Electric Group’s unique features, which I think will be strong points in value co-creation through Serendie.

Chiba: I expect that there will be people who want to use Serendie both inside and outside the company. What steps should we take in that case?

Asahi: There are no recommended steps to be taken. To start with, please come to "Serendie Street." This is defined as a co-creation space for experiments and inspirations to create unknown values through energy generated by the coincidental encounters of people, data, and technologies (a hub in Yokohama is called Serendie Street Yokohama). Please come to Serendie Street, a place for promoting co-creation amongst us, customers, and partner companies, and let’s talk about what to create. There is nothing complicated to worry about, such as workflows (laugh).

DX is a technology to make people’s lives easy

Chiba: By offering Serendie, how do you think we can contribute to society?

Asahi: I believe that you all have different wishes, such as "I want to stay healthy," "I want to eat delicious food," or "I want to enjoy my hobbies." However, the biggest problem that we have is the lack of time.

The complexity of the world has created a lot of different jobs. Additionally, as birth rates drop further mainly in advanced countries, the working population is declining. Therefore, I think that the promotion of automation through generative AI, robots, and computers will lead to an affluent lifestyle and a better society.

The Japanese are a hard-working people. It may sound a little extreme, but I believe that DX is a technology for us to slack off. Leave conventional manual work to computers, and take it easy as much as possible. My true intention is to create a world where people can have an easy life through DX innovation, including Serendie.

Chiba: Some may feel that DX will put an additional pressure on tasks that they have now, but that is not true. By entrusting tasks to the technology, our lives will become easier in the long term. It sounds convincing that DX is a technology to make people’s lives easier. As you promote this initiative, what are you personally aware of on a daily basis?

Asahi: The current generation of artificial intelligence grows smarter as it learns more knowledge. This algorithm works in almost the same way as human brains do. Serendie creates new value through the coincidental encounters of data, technological capability, and creativity. We, humans, also generate better ideas when more inputs are fed into our brains. I am striving to contribute as much input as possible.

Moreover, as head of DIC, I would like to debate with you all from as an impartial point of view as possible. I am aiming to become a "multi-talented head of the Center" (laugh), who can perform a wide range of tasks from creating stories to providing technical advice.

DIC working to connect to a future

"DIC Principles" displayed inside DIC

Chiba: At DIC, twelve "DIC Principles" are displayed, which were established upon discussions among DIC members as guidelines for its behaviors, tasks, goals, and organization philosophy, in order to develop a common culture. Is there any favorite of yours among them?

Asahi: That’s "Trust your team, never betray them." I have been involved in the start-ups of various new organizations. Through those experiences, I found it the most important to have faith in members’ abilities and personalities.

Chiba: For me, what resonated most was "Always remember to be professional." I re-acknowledged how important it is for individuals to be aware that they are professional, instead of relying on the organization.

  • Inside Serendie Street Yokohama that contains various areas. "Stadium" is a meeting space where customers also join us.
  • "Chigasaki," a co-creation area where scrum activities are carried out

Asahi: That’s why we can trust our team. Ultimately, everyone who visits Serendie Street, as well as DIC, are team members, including the employees of the Mitsubishi Electric Group, partner companies, and customers. I am hoping to create rewarding projects, which get the best out of individual abilities, and I believe that it will lead to the realization of a better society.

I don’t expect Serendie to continue for several decades. However, the important thing is that if people involved have acquired experience through this initiative, that can be passed onto the next generation. By taking advantage of this experience, new activities will be consistently initiated to meet the needs of the times. I hope that we can develop this initiative, by uniting the entire company and the Group.

*The information on this page is current as of July, 2024.

Written by Our Stories Editing Team

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