To be a reliable partner for supporting
the safety and security of power infrastructure
Mitsubishi Electric has self-developed BLEnDer, a power systems ICT solution software, and conducted verification tests at our own plants and with power utility companies to accelerate technology deployment in various areas of power industry.
By continuously providing customers with products based on the technologies and knowhow accumulated through such efforts, we have supported power infrastructure such as the market trading system and automated reading of electricity meters with high reliability.
We will continue to contribute to society as “a reliable partner for ensuring the safety and security of power infrastructure” with advanced technology and superior products.

Smart Grid Demonstration Project in Amagasaki area (2011-2016)
A large-scale verification test facility on our site to promote technology development toward a low-carbon and stable power supply
We built a verification test facility for smart grid/community related technologies at our factory in Amagasaki area. Using this facility, we established technologies to control large storage batteries that can support large-scale introduction of wind and solar power, verified a smart meter system designed to streamline the operation of the distribution network, and investigated the impact of high-speed electric vehicle chargers on the power distribution system. Findings from these verification tests have been applied to our product groups to accelerate technology development toward digital energy projects utilizing ICT.