Aiming to create new values in power systems
Power deregulation in Japan started from the generation sector in 1995 and gradually expanded to the retail sector in 2000s. With the power system reform that started in 2013, full liberalization of the power retail market was implemented in 2016, and all consumers including households and corporations have become free to choose their retail companies. Furthermore, "legal separation of the power transmission and distribution sectors" was put into effect in 2020.
On the other hand, the introduction of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic and wind power is expanding worldwide. The environment surrounding the power industry is changing dramatically, in terms of generation, transmission and consumption.

In such environmental changes, Mitsubishi Electric has provided various solutions to core businesses in the electric power industry. We have accumulated knowledge and experiences because we have progressed together with the changes in Japan’s power businesses, contributed to the power system reform, and are familiar with the Japanese power system. We offer advanced solutions by creating optimal business logic for diversifying power use cases and by fusing our wide array of power technologies and ICT.
Power systems ICT business of Mitsubishi Electric
“Realizing a stable, low carbon and low cost energy system”
“Providing advanced operation systems with ICT”
“Promoting open innovation on a global level”
These are our missions.
Aiming to create new value in power systems, Mitsubishi Electric will promote our solutions business and contribute to our customers business management.

Change in power system
(expansion of new energy)
① Power systems control business
System control technologies to support stable power supply. Ensures appropriate response in case of a system failure, using various monitoring/control systems such as central load dispatching systems and training simulators.
② Digital energy business
(storage battery and smart grid business)
Use of renewable energy is expected to increase, which will entail various technological issues on system stability due to instability of power output. Digital energy solutions such as large-capacity battery energy storage systems and VPP systems will enable increased introduction of renewable energy and stable system operations at the same time.
③ Power distribution control business
Our power distribution control systems using remote monitoring/control technologies offer real-time monitoring and control across the huge power distribution systems, and ensure early power restoration in case a power outage occurs.
Expansion of the power market
(increase of new Power Producers and Suppliers)
④ Power Producers and Suppliers business
Full liberalization of the power retail market has spurred rapid increase of Power Producers and Suppliers to the market. However, these new Power Producers and Suppliers need to engage in complex operations to supply power on a daily basis. Our power supply-demand management system supports such series of operations as well as minimizes imbalance and maximizes revenue through utilizing supply-demand optimization and transaction.
⑤ Supply-demand management business
(power distribution operation)
Based on the technology and experience accumulated through the development of systems for power utility companies and Japan Electric Power Exchange, we will provide systems to comply with the latest statutory changes and new market rules.
⑥ Consignment business
Wheeling charge is the cost incurred when using power transmission and distribution facilities. Its calculation requires an extremely complex and cumbersome process because a wide range of factors are involved. Our consignment system supports efficient operation of power transmission and distribution operators, who are required fast and accurate execution of services.
⑦ Smart meter system business
Our smart meter system collects data from numerous smart meters and manages a huge amount of data. With a supply record of more than 10 million communication units in Japan and high reliability boasting a data collection rate of over 99.9%, our systems can build a large-scale and economically efficient network.
Data operation innovation
(streamlining of operation)
⑧ Asset management business
With the increasing aging power equipment, power utilities are required to deliver sound business operation by implementing comprehensive and appropriate asset management. Our asset management systems enable strategic equipment management and appropriate understanding of return on investment.