Mitsubishi Electric Nuclear Business
Overview of Mitsubishi Electric Nuclear Business
Mitsubishi Electric has been supplying electrical systems and Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Systems to nuclear power plants for decades, as well as contributing to the safe and secure operation of nuclear power plants using reliable technologies with a proven track record. Utilizing our I&C systems in particular, Mitsubishi Electric is providing both analog and digital systems made with leading-edge technologies of each generation for new plant construction and upgrading existing plants.

World’s Largest Supplier of Digital Safety I&C Systems
As the world’s leading supplier, Mitsubishi Electric has delivered digital safety I&C systems to many plants in Japan and overseas.
For more information about digital safety I&C systemsWorld’s First Full-Digital Upgrades for Operating Plants
Mitsubishi Electric pioneered digital technology upgrades for nuclear plants constructed in the 1980s. In the first decade of this century, Mitsubishi Electric completed an unprecedented comprehensive large-scale digital upgrade that included installing a main control board. A feat only possible owing to our abundant experience with nuclear power modernization projects.
For more information about modernization