Is “Sustainability” Sustainable?
June 2023 [2 Parts]
Part 1: Contribution to SDGs
More than good intentions
But like so many ideas and good intentions, it needs to move past that stage and really become something that is actively being delivered.
Surprisingly, it is already more than six years since the SDG policy was unanimously endorsed by the UN under the mantle of “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (2015). Two thoughts occur,
• Let’s start delivering on these great initiatives
• There are only nine years left to run until 2030, but why should that be the end?
Where do you start?
A good place to begin is to make sure we all have a common understanding of what sustainability means and the UNs intentions behind this initiative, for example, it is not simply a euphemism for the “green agenda”. Yes, there are many aspects of the sustainability ethos that affect our “biological ecosphere”. And that’s important. But the UNs goals also embrace gender equality and inclusivity for all members of society, regardless of physical or mental capacities. They even extend to fundamental issues, like having enough food to eat and clean water to drink as well as considering key elements such as access to education and technology.
It’s an attitude
Looking at the UN SDGs as a whole, they are someway reminiscent of the Japanese Governments Society 5.0 approach, both are taking a holistic view of the interaction of the environment, society, education and inclusion. And fundamentally, both concepts are human centric.
In-fact the Japanese Business Association, Keidandren, has released a paper titled “The Evolution of ESG Investment, Realization of Society 5.0, and Achievement of SDGs” which suggests that Society 5.0 is indeed a way to achieve the SDG goals. Furthermore, Professor Koji Nomura from Keio University, in his role as Project Leader, the 21st Century Public Policy Institute has tried to qualify this further in the research paper “Society 5.0 for SDGs - Creating Future Economic Assessments”. Therefore, sustainability is not just a concept being pursued by free thinking, environmentalists, but is actually something that can be embraced by both legislative, economic and business communities alike. In short, it can actually make good business sense, as many companies across the world have already found.
Making good business sense
Who doesn’t want to save costs and reduce waste, because these all can all directly hit the “bottom line”. And, if in addition we can also find new labor resources, make ourselves a more attractive employer what’s not to like about that? When discussed in those terms sustainability makes good business sense across the spectrum. So there are many reasons to get started and far less to dawdle in the execution of sustainable activities.
In fact at Mitsubishi Electric it is seen as such an important topic that a dedicated department has been set up to promote sustainability both internally and externally. What might surprise people is that often factory automation, products and know-how, are a key enabler to both Mitsubishi Electric’s own activities and those of its customers.
Mitsubishi Electric’s Sustainability team!
When Mitsubishi Electric established its Sustainability Planning Division it did so by putting the full force of both senior management and its employees behind it.
The company’s corporate philosophy, which has been passed down since the company’s foundation, underlies the activities of each and every member of the Mitsubishi Electric Group as they contribute to a better society. If you do not believe that, take a look at some of the corporate slogans over the years, starting with todays; “Changes for the better”, to “SOCIO-TECH” (Social technology) in the 1980’s and even back to the 1960’s when “With you today and tomorrow” was first used in Japan.
The Mitsubishi Electric Group’s materiality and SDG initiatives
In sustainability management, Mitsubishi Electric has classified issues that must address into two broad categories: “solving social issues through business activities” and “strengthening management foundations to support sustainable growth”. In interviews with employees, business partners, investors, and experts, the Mitsubishi Electric Group worked to identify what is expected of the Group and what is attracting attention, and finally identified five materiality(areas) to focus on.
In “Solving Social Issues through Business,” Mitsubishi Electric will focus on the following SDGs 3, 7, 9, 11, and 13, maximizing the strengths of the group targeting the realization of a sustainable global environment and a safe, secure, and comfortable society. As for the management foundation that supports sustainable growth, the focus will be to contribute to the achievement of the 17 goals of the SDGs by engaging in “respect for everyone,” “sustainable enhancement of corporate governance and compliance,” and “creation of a corporate culture oriented toward sustainability”.
We hope to create a culture where all employees recognize the connection between their work and society, where they can explain in their own words how they are contributing to the SDGs through their work, and where they can think on their own how to better achieve the goals. Making the SDGs a personal concern will help strengthen everyone’s motivation regarding their work, and will ultimately provide a large boost to the Group’s contribution to the SDGs.
Addressing the SDGs with our customers
Many people are probably familiar with the colorful icons that represent the 17 goals of the SDGs. Each of the goals has “targets,” which define specific numbers and how to achieve each goal. There are 169 targets in all. Taking a good look at these targets might provide ideas for new businesses.
An important aspect of the SDGs is that it advocates achieving a balance between social contribution and economic development. By assisting customers who have strong interest in contributing to the SDGs, we can work together to solve social issues and realize sustainable growth at the same time.
Please look forward to the Mitsubishi Electric Group’s continued contribution to the SDGs.
A Commitment to Sustainability:
Delivering Both Economic and Social Value