Products and solutions that contribute to addressing issues around labor shortagesContribution through automation technology

Our sustainability initiatives follow two themes: "the contribution our products make towards our customers' sustainability programs" and "the contribution of our efforts to improve our own production processes".
How automation technology contributes
FA products (controllers, drives, robots etc.)

Industrial computer, MELIPC MI5000
Industrial PCs like MI5000 support both real-time control of devices as well as edge computing processes between FA and IT. Through virtualization technology the MI5000 can simultaneously use both the real-time OS VxWorks and Microsoft Windows, making it possible to control equipment and collect, analyze, and diagnose production information in a single unit. By collecting equipment data and performing control functions based on the results of analysis and diagnosis the automation of various inspection process can be achieved.

The data science tool MELSOFT MaiLab is a data analysis and diagnostic software that digitizes the experience and intuition of veteran professionals using AI. Even as automation advances in facilities, the reliance on the intuative practical knowledge and process familiarity of on-site workers remains significant in various processes. By digitizing these aspects with MELSOFT MaiLab users can mitigate labor shortage issues, by realizing efficient "knowledge" transfer through the use of technology, and achieve improved productivity.

Servo system controller iQ-R series motion module, RD78G
The multi-core processors and open industrial network CC-Link IE TSN provided by the RD78G motion unit, enables high-performance servo systems to be constructed that contribute to improved equipment performance. When the motion unit is used in "simple motion mode", its minimum calculation cycle is 1.7 to 3.5 times faster than conventional units, speeding up the transfer of data and I/O signals from the servo amplifier and reducing equipment cycle times. Faster, more accurate and highly repeatable machine processing can help reduce the pressures from labor shortages.

Industrial robot, MELFA FR series
MELFA industrial robots, with their high-speed and high-performance control and processing, are being used to address intelligent manufacturing needs that have been driven by the diversification and globalization of consumer markets. Conventional single task/process manufacturing is giving way to "next generation manufacturing" which requires the high accuracy and flexibility offered by MELFA FR series industrial robots.

Collaborative robot, MELFA ASSISTA
MELFA ASSISTA collaborative robots, equipped with safety functions such as collision detection, are suitable for environments where humans and robots work together at the same production location. By utilizing such collaborative robots, industries such as automobile, electrical and electronic parts, food, pharmaceutical, and hygiene products are able to flexibly respond to changes in demand from the business environment, solving a key challenge caused by labor shortages, in addition to improving productivity, and reducing TCO.