Factory Automation


Food & Beverage

Cost of Implementation and ROI Concerns

"All or nothing" investment approaches are both impractical and doomed to failure. Massive changes without verifying the return on investment are a high-risk strategy. Taking a more pragmatic approach, with phased, manageable investment, checking that the expected return on investment is achieved mean that long term, sustainable investment can realize direct bottom line improvements and lead to further investments.


  • Challenge 1

    Planning Investments

    By utilizing a maturity model managers in the food and beverage industry can solve several challenges with one approach.
    Such models can aid in aligning the project goals with all internal stakeholders, ensuring that everyone has a clear view of what is to be done and why, but equally, such models can help plan the stages and process of investment depending upon the goal that is desired.

  • Challenge 2

    Kaizen Works

    Continuous, small investments, especially those driven by production workers who are closest to the everyday problems, can generate quick results often without huge investments.
    The people who must suffer the results of the problems often know part, if not all, of the answer to resolving the issue.

Catalog/White paper Download


The Smart Manufacturing Kaizen Level, or SMKL, is a matrix that serves to plan and execute smart manufacturing solutions. It was developed by Mitsubishi Electric and is currently being prepared to become an international standard. The tool has great value in many different stages of smart manufacturing projects and emphasizes the overall impact in terms of added value to the organization and beyond.



  • A story of SMKL : Improving productivity – Digital Manufacturing

  • Food & Beverage: Innovative solutions for production I Mitsubishi Electric

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