FA Remote

Remote Monitoring

Case.04 Monitor factory energy use from a remote location
- Remote Monitoring
Monitor factory energy use from a remote location
(1) Email notifications from EcoWebServerⅢ alert users of equipment errors and exceeded demand target values.
(2) Energy/Demand-related information can be reviewed from a remote location on a web browser.
(3) The “EcoAdviser” Energy Saving Support Software analyzes energy use of the entire factory/line and provides the user with diagnostic results.
* Using the Ewon/Secomea remote solution, users can easily and safely construct a remote access environment.

- *1 Operations are confirmed with the Ewon Cosy+ and Secomea Sitemanager Series.
- By detecting equipment errors and exceeded demand target values through email notifications, customers can respond swiftly.
- Improve efficiency by checking factors that cause energy loss using AI diagnosis from anywhere.