Factory Automation

Update : 2022/11/15

Industrial Automation & Innovation

System Integration Partner

We are system integrator company who expert in PC-Based machine vision. We cover all machine vision solution such as visible range for detect normal machine vision task, invisible range such as NIR , 3D vision, deep learning(AI) for complicated task.

7/287, M.6, Banmai, Parkkret, Nonthaburi,11120
www.ia-innovation.com Open new window

Long range measurement system

We can provide long range measurement system such as tape measure up to 10M with accuracy 50 micron per metes. Linear encoder and on the fly trigger vision system can make this solution continuous measure every scale of tape measure and report the accuracy to end user. Further inspection can be customize to your product.

NIR detect and sorting house hold plastic

NIR technology can detect under surface material such as plastic type. We apply NIR technology to do separate unknown plastic system and categorize its into right material. After this process, we have granulator machine and washing machine for produce clean flex for reuse this plastic again.