Simulation tools MELSOFT Gemini

Learn the basics of using MELSOFT Gemini.
How to Attach Multiple Components
An instruction video on how to use the Attach command to bring multiple components together and operate them as one component. Practice file -
How to Change the Priority of Transporting and Work
An instruction video on how to set levels of priority to transport tasks and work tasks. Practice file -
How to Connect Component
An instruction video about the One-Way Interface, Two-Way Interface, and PnP. -
How to Create a 2D Floor Plan
An instruction video on how to output a layout created using Gemini to a 2DCAD file. -
How to Create Assemblies
An instruction video on how to set assemblies in the Product Type Editor and how to use the Assembly Editor. Practice file -
How to Define a Process Modeling Flow
An instruction video on how to set a process modeling flow for a line simulation (Process Flow Editor, Flow Steps, Transport Links, IsOptional, ProcessMode, Get Flow Step, Set Next Flow Step).
*This function is available in Gemini version 1.45 and later. Practice file -
How to Detect Obstacles and Set Pathways
An instruction video on how to make a mobile robot detect obstacles and how to set pathways to limit the mobile robot's range of movement. Practice file -
How to generate and modify robot program in Process Modeling
An instruction video on how to record, modify, and run a robot program with process modeling. Practice file -
How to Install and Use Gemini
An instruction video on how to install MELSOFT Gemini with an explanation of its basic operations. -
How to Operate with Multiple Components
An instruction video on how to make multiple components, such as robots and equipment, operate together. Practice file -
How to Set Resources and Controllers (Part 1 of 4)
An instruction video on how to set controllers and resources such as humans and mobile robots for process modeling. (Specifying transporting and work priorities, task allocation priorities to resource, product collection method, and tools to be used) Practice file -
How to Set Resources and Controllers (Part 2 of 4)
An instruction video on how to set controllers and resources such as humans and mobile robots for process modeling. (Setting waiting/charging locations for mobile robots, making robots wait temporarily with products, specifying humans and mobile robots to load and unloads products, specifying loading and unloading areas, reserving resources to machines) Practice file -
How to Set Resources and Controllers (Part 3 of 4)
An instruction video on how to set controllers and resources such as humans and mobile robots for process modeling. (Detecting and avoiding obstacles, specifying movement ranges and restricting resources to those ranges) Practice file -
How to Set Resources and Controllers (Part 4 of 4)
An instruction video on how to set controllers and resources such as humans and mobile robots for process modeling. (Changing revolution and movement speeds, stopping resource operations, setting an order for unloading multiple parts, changing the way of holding products and posture of Humans) Practice file -
How to Show/Hide Components
An instruction video on how to show and hide components such as equipment from the properties and cell graph. -
How to Transport Products by Human
An instruction video on how to set Humans to transport products between specified places. Practice file -
How to Visualize Objects in Gemini
An instruction video on how to change display settings such as the background color, grid lines and the render mode. Practice file