Factory Automation



Flexible license format

Data collection and diagnosis can be started with just a basic license. In addition, systems can be freely configured according to the scale of facilities, increases in the number of analysis users. We will introduce the recommended license format depending on the case.

When using a tool that can collect and diagnose data

When increasing the number of analysis users

When temporarily increasing the number of analysis users

When adding a diagnostic system to an expanded device or equipment

When integrating a diagnostic system into mass production equipment


When using a tool that can collect and diagnose data arrow

Basic license

A basic license is recommended for data collection and diagnostics.

A basic license is recommended for data collection and diagnostics

Annual renewal

Basic license


When increasing the number of analysis users arrow

Additional user license

An additional user license is recommended to increase the number of analysis users.
A license is granted to the analysis user you want to add in a form that is linked to the base license.

An additional user license is recommended to increase the number of analysis users

Annual renewal

Basic license


Annual renewal

Additional user license


When temporarily increasing the number of analysis users arrow

Additional user license

As with CASE 2, an additional user license is recommended to increase the number of analysis users. Because the license is renewed annually, it is possible to respond flexibly to temporary increases in employees.

Possible to respond flexibly to temporary increases in employees

Annual renewal

Basic license


Annual renewal

Additional user license


When adding a diagnostic system to an expanded device or equipment arrow

Additional diagnosis license

An additional diagnosis license is recommended to expand the number of devices and equipment that can be diagnosed. A one-time purchase license, so there are no renewal fees.
Recommended when adding equipment to a factory.

An additional diagnosis license is recommended to expand the number of devices and equipment that can be diagnosed

Annual renewal

Basic license


One-time purchase

Additional diagnosis licenses


When integrating a diagnostic system into mass production equipment arrow

Additional diagnosis license

An additional diagnosis license is a one-time purchase with no renewal fees, so it is also recommended when integrating a data diagnostic system into mass production equipment.

An additional diagnosis license is a one-time purchase with no renewal fees

Annual renewal

Basic license


One-time purchase

Additional diagnosis licenses