Robot Engneering software (MELFA)MELSOFT RT ToolBox3
Monitoring functions
Program execution status, variables, I/O signals, etc. can be monitored.
- As well as monitoring program run states, variables, input/output signals and other events, these functions can show graphs of robot operation waveforms (speeds and current values) and I/O states in real time.
- This makes it easy to see the correlation between program execution steps and waveform data, making debugging markedly more efficient.
Maintenance functions
Maintenance functions include maintenance forecasts, position recovery support, parameter management, etc.
This software is effective for preventive maintenance and for shortening recovery time.
- Equipped with a maintenance forecast function that notifies users of the robot’s greasing time and battery life, and an assistance function for position recovery in the event of trouble.
- Data is managed by project, to allow collective backup of the entire system.