Die-sinking Electrical Discharge Machines

Ample lineup corresponding to needs for fine high-accuracy machining to high-productivity with large electrode.
Mitsubishi Electric helps to enhance productivity with total solutions covering machine,
power supply, adaptive control, automation systems and networks.
Some products are regionally specific; for up to date sales availability, please check your local web page.
Product List

SV8P / SV12P
High precision Die-sinker EDM
Next-generation machine incorporating the Mitsubishi Electric's AI technology (Maisart) and control unit (D-CUBES) to pursue both high accur acy and high productivity

SG8 / SG12 / SG28 / SG70
High-performance Die-sinker EDM
Next-generation machine incorporating the Mitsubishi Electric's AI technology (Maisart) and control unit (D-CUBES) to pursue both high accur acy and high productivity