Factory Automation

Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT GT SoftGOT

GT SoftGOT2000 Version1

Solving issues in system operation

Improving work efficiency by interacting with applications created by the users

Data interaction with user-created applications improves work efficiency

Building advanced systems

Windows applications can be started up from GT SoftGOT2000.
The data of GT SoftGOT2000 internal devices can be read and written from the user-created applications. Interaction between GT SoftGOT2000 and user-created applications enables the users to control or manage data by own method.

  • *GD, GS, GB, SGB, or SGD internal devices can be used.
  • *For the supported applications, please refer to the GT SoftGOT2000 Version1 Operating Manual
Building advanced systems

Starting up other applications with a touch switch on the GT SoftGOT2000 screen

By creating a touch switch on the GT SoftGOT2000 screen in advance, it is possible to start other applications (such as Microsoft Excel) while monitoring GT SoftGOT2000. Interaction between equipment monitoring and personal computer applications makes monitoring work efficient.

Starting up Microsoft Excel

The data collected by GT SoftGOT2000 can be checked in a graph quickly.

Starting up Microsoft® Excel®

Starting up GX Works3

MI3000 at the shop floor monitors sequence programs without bringing a laptop computer.

*GX Works3 should be installed in advance.

Starting up GX Works3

Automatic startup

By using scripts, other applications can be started automatically by setting conditions such as when an error occurs or specific device values. (GS devices are used to control the function.)

Quick restoration in case of problem occurrence

Various maintenance functions can be used for troubleshooting

Alarm display function

GT SoftGOT2000 can be used to check alarms of connected devices. By showing alarms in different colors depending on the level and showing alarm recovery methods in a window screen, you can easily identify the cause of problem occurrence.

Alarm display function

Logging & graph/list display

GT SoftGOT2000 collects (logs) the data from devices such as programmable controllers and temperature controllers, and displays the collected data in a graph and list.

Logging & graph/list display

Combined use of functions

Use of the alarm function combined with the logging and graph/list helps you to check the status when the alarm occurred and the status of the error found in the graph.

Combined use of functions

Securing security

User management with access control and operation log enhances security

Operator authentication function

Manage login information using operator names and passwords.

Operator authentication function

Operation log function

GT SoftGOT2000 records all the operations performed by operators.

Operation log function

Combined use of functions

Using login management of the operator authentication function and recording operations by the operators enables you to check the “who, what, when, and how” of an operation performed. This is useful for preventing invalid operations and identify the cause of problems.