Factory Automation

Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT GOT SIMPLE Series


GOT Drive Control (Inverter) Interactive Solutions

GOT Drive GOT Drive Control (Inverter) Interactive Solutions

Challenges that cannot be resolved just with the inverter can now be resolved with GOT2000 and inverter interactive functions.
The GOT Drive enhanced functionality is designed to eliminate need for additional hardware, software and suits customer's applications to realize central monitoring, speed up system startup, improve predictive maintenance and troubleshooting.

System configurations

Select the required connection type to match your system configuration. Multiple inverters can be monitored with one GOT by switching the target station number.

Direct connection with Ethernet

Direct connection with Ethernet
  • *1The models with SERIAL “*88******” or later on the rating plate are supported.
  • *2Line topology is also supported by FR-E800-E.

CC-Link IE connection via programmable controller

CC-Link IE connection via programmable controller
  • *1In the CC-Link IE TSN configuration, select a switching hub by referring to the relevant manual for the programmable controller used.
  • *2The models with SERIAL “*83******” or later on the rating plate are supported.
  • *3The FR-A8NCE with SERIAL “*83***” or later is supported.
  • *4The models with SERIAL “*96******” or later (made in Japan) or “*97******” or later (made in China) on the rating plate are supported.
  • *5Set the third octet of the inverter's IP address to the network No., and set the fourth octet to the station number.

Ethernet connection via programmable controller

Ethernet connection via programmable controller
  • *1The models with SERIAL “*88******” or later (for FR-E700-SC-NNE and FR-E700-SC-ENE, “*89******” or later) on the rating plate are supported.
  • *2Line topology is also supported by FR-E800-E.

Direct connection with RS-485

Direct connection with RS-485

With GOT, the inverter's parameters can be adjusted with the control panel closed!

Parameter settings (simple mode)

Use the GOT on the front of the control panel to adjust the inverter's simple mode parameters. The parameter names can be confirmed on a list, so the required parameters can be easily found and set.

Parameter Setting screen*1

Parameter settings (simple mode)
  • *1Parameters and devices to be monitored can be set and displayed on a screen. The above is an example for screen design.

With GOT, the inverter's parameters can be monitored in a batch with the control panel closed!

Batch monitor

The inverter's current values such as the output frequency, output current, and output voltage can be monitored with the GOT without preparing the personal computer or directly confirming the inverter.

Batch Monitor screen*1

Batch monitor
  • *1Parameters and devices to be monitored can be set and displayed on a screen. The above is an example for screen design.

With GOT, the replacement timing of the inverter's components can be displayed and predictive maintenance can be performed!

Inverter life diagnosis

GOT can be used to monitor the operation status of the inverter's components (main circuit capacitor, control circuit capacitor, cooling fan, etc.) and confirm the replacement timing. Perform predictive maintenance by replacing parts before the inverter fails.

Inverter Life Diagnosis screen*1

Inverter life diagnosis
  • *1Parameters and devices to be monitored can be set and displayed on a screen. The above is an example for screen design.