Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT GOT2000 Series

Security & Additional System Features
Identify error cause based on history information
Operation log function
Having problems?

An error occurred due to improper operations, but I do not exactly know why the error occurred...
GOT will solve your problems!

*1Not supported by GT21 and GS21.
GOT records all the operations performed by operators. Checking the recorded operation history helps you to identify and analyze the cause of the error occurred due to improper operations, leading to making improvements, preventing reoccurrence, and enhancing traceability.
Function features
GOT records the operation information, such as the “what, when, and how” of an operation performed, in chronological order in an SD memory card or USB memory. Use of the operation log function combined with the operator authentication function records additional information of “who” performed the operation.
*Supported by GT2107-W only among GT21 models.
Easy management for operation log file*1
You can copy and delete an operation log file created by the operation log function and change a file name on GOT without using a personal computer. The operation log file can be converted into a CSV file or UnicodeⓇ text file so that the file can be checked on the personal computer.
*1Supported by GT2107-W only among GT21 models. Changing file name is not supported by GT2107-W and GS21.
Quick check of operation log file
You can select a log from the operation log list and check the detailed information*1. Screen images*2 also help you to identify the improper operation.
- *1Not supported by GT21 and GS21.
- *2Not supported by GT21, GS21, and GT SoftGOT2000.

Coordination with user-created management systems
The operation log records not only the operator names that are used in the operator authentication function but also the character strings stored in an external device. It is easy to coordinate your own user management system and the GOT's operation log.

*For the necessary option devices, please refer to the “Function list”.
Recommended industries
Supported GOT types
*Excluding some models or restrictions apply to some functions. For the details, refer to the function descriptions above.