Factory Automation

Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT GOT2000 Series

Security & Additional System Features

Protect valuable assets
Various security functions

Having problems?

Having problems?

I know the importance of security functions to protect valuable assets, but how can I do...?

GOT will solve your problems!

GOT will solve your problems!

To protect customers’ assets, GOT offers enhanced security functions such as access restriction on project data and access restriction via network.

Function features

Security key authentication function and IP filter function offer enhanced security.

Prevent data alteration and duplication [Security key authentication function]

On the GOTs and personal computers without registered security keys, the project data cannot be opened and executed, which protects your techniques (know-how) from information leaks.

*Not supported by GT21 and GS21.

Security key authentication function

Reduce risk of unauthorized access through network [IP filter function]

Registering the IP address of the device which can access the GOT restricts the access from unauthorized devices.

IP filter function

Recommended industries

Automotive SEMICON, LCD Electronics F & B Pharma Plant

Supported GOT types

GT27 GT25 GT23 GT21* GS21* SoftGOT

*Restrictions apply to some functions. For the details, refer to the function descriptions above.

Supported devices

PLC Servo Inverter Robot CNC