Factory Automation

Human-Machine Interfaces(HMIs)-GOT GOT2000 Series

Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Features

Check the PLC module status
System launcher function

Having problems?

Having problems?

Can I check the status of the programmable controller system without a personal computer?

GOT will solve your problems!

GOT will solve your problems!

For the details, please see here.

A graphical configuration diagram indicates module statuses. When you touch a module the extended function list is shown and you can carry out maintenance work efficiently.

Function features

The programmable controller system can easily be checked on GOT without a personal computer at the shop floor.

Starting extended function quickly

When you touch a module in the system configuration diagram, the list of extended functions available to the module is shown.

Example of system launcher (servo network)

For the details, please see here.

Example of system launcher (servo network)

Checking module product information

The product information such as production number obtained from modules can be checked in a list.

Checking module product information

Online module change function

GOT can direct a programmable controller to execute the online module change.
(The applicable modules are listed below in this page.)

Online module change function

Specification details and restrictions

●Target models

RCPU, QCPU (Q mode), LCPU, Motion CPU (MELSEC iQ-R Series/Q Series), CNC (C80, C70), robot controller (FR Series (CR800-R (R16RTCPU), CR800-Q (Q172DSRCPU)), F Series (CR750-Q (Q172DRCPU), CR751-Q (Q172DRCPU)), SQ Series CRnQ-700 (Q172DRCPU))

●Supported connection types*1

Ethernet connection, direct CPU connection (serial), serial communication connection, CC-Link IE TSN connection, CC-Link IE Controller Network connection, CC-Link IE Field Network connection, CC-Link connection, bus connection, MELSECNET connection

  • *1For details on the connectable models for each connection type, please refer to the "Connectable model list" in the

●Extended functions that can be started from the system launcher

Device monitor, sequence program monitor (iQ-R ladder/Ladder), sequence program monitor (SFC), network monitor, R motion monitor, Q motion monitor, intelligent module monitor, backup/restoration*1, R motion SFC monitor, Q motion SFC monitor, CNC monitor 2, CNC monitor, CNC data I/O, CNC machining program edit, iQSS utility, CC-Link IE TSN/CC-Link IE Field Network diagnostics, drive recorder, system launcher (servo network), servo amplifier graph

  • *1The CPU number setting is not transferred. Only the channel of the connected controller is in its selected state.

●Modules applicable to online module change

QCPU (Q mode) input/output/I/O module, analog input/output module, temperature input/temperature control module, loop control module, pulse input module

Recommended industries

Automotive SEMICON, LCD Electronics F & B Pharma Plant

Supported GOT types

GT27 GT25 GT23 GT21 GS21 SoftGOT*
  • *Supported by GT SoftGOT2000 (Multiple channels) only.

Supported devices

PLC Servo Inverter Robot CNC