Factory Automation

Inverters-FREQROL Recommended products

Options for the FR-A842 Serving as a High Power Factor Converter

Options for the FR-A842 Serving as a High Power Factor Converter


FR-A842 inverter serving as a high power factor converter with the following options

Only 5% or less of the total harmonic
distortion of the input current (THDi)*

Such a low rate of THDi facilitates compliance with the overseas standards related to harmonic suppression.

*When the input voltage is distorted, harmonic contents increase because power harmonics flow into the converter.

Harmonic suppression (K5 = 0) achieved

The FR-A842 converter (converted from the FR-A842 inverter by using the plug-in option FR-A8AVP) is classified as a self-excitation three-phase bridge circuit under the "Harmonic Suppression Guidelines for Specific Consumers" and achieves K5 = 0 (conversion factor for equivalent capacity).

■ Plug-in option

Plug-in option

■ Stand-alone options

Stand-alone options


Turn spare inverters into converters

Inverters can be used as high power factor converters. They can be switched to a converter and back to an inverter again to match process requirements.

System configuration example


*FR-A842 inverter serving as a high power factor converter. (For wiring details, refer to the connection example.)

Release schedule

June 2018