Factory Automation

Controllers MELSEC iQ-R Series Product features -I/O-

I/O module

Digital I/O modules are the senses of the automation system and provide an interface of various processes to the controller. Devices such as switches, indicator lamps, and sensors can be easily connected to the control system. The MELSEC iQ-R Series I/O modules have enhanced functions compared with the existing Series, one module can support various applications, reducing implementation and maintenance costs.
Modules can be selected according to requirements such as ease of wiring, number of points and characteristics of devices to be connected.

Input<sup>DC input</sup><sup>+: Positive common-: Negative common+/-: Positive/negative
common shared

24 V DC

16 points+/-

16 points+/-

32 points+/-

32 points+/-

64 points+/-

5/12 V DC

16 points+/-

32 points+/-

64 points+/-

High-speed 24 V DC

16 points+

16 points-

32 points+/-

High-speed 5 V DC

32 points+/-

Diagnostic functions 24 V DC

16 points-

Safety functions 24 V DC

Single wiring: 16
points; Double
wiring: 8 points

AC input

100 to 240 V AC

8 points

100 to 120 V ACV

16 points

16 points

Output<sup>Transistor output</sup>

Sink type 12/24 V DC, 0.5 A/point

16 points

16 points

Sink type 12/24 V DC, 0.2 A/point

32 points

32 points

64 points

Source type 12/24 V DC, 0.5 A/point

16 points

16 points

Source type 12/24 V DC, 0.1 A/point

32 points

32 points

64 points

High-speed, sink type 5/12/24 V DC, 0.2 A/point

32 points

High-speed, source type 5/12/24 V DC, 0.2 A/point

32 points

Diagnostic functions, source type 24 V DC, 0.5 A/point

16 points

Safety functions, source type
24 V DC, 2 A/point

Single wiring: 8 points
Double wiring: 4 points

Relay output

24 V DC 2 A/point, 240 V AC 2 A/point

8 points

16 points

16 points

Triac output

100 to 240 V AC, 0.6 A/point

16 points

I/O combined<sup>DC input, transistor output</sup><sup>+/-: Positive/negative
common shared

24 V DC Sink type 12/24 V DC, 0.2 A/point

32 points+/-

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