Factory Automation

Network-related products |
Programmable Controllers MELSEC
CC-Link IE Product Features

Avoiding entire network outage

  • Avoid disruption to control system
  • Maintain communications during an error

Submaster control, control station switching

Maintain data communications even if master (control) station stops

In the event that the “master or control station”*1 develops an error, the “sub-master or sub-control”*2 station takes over control of the network, ensuring continued network communications even when these nodes are lost.

  • *1.Referred to as the “Master station” for CC-Link IE Field network, and “Control station” for CC-Link IE Controller network.
  • *2.Referred to as the “Sub-master station” for CC-Link IE Field network, and “Sub-control station” for CC-Link IE Controller network.