Events & SeminarsVirtual Exhibition Hall

Innovative Industry Fair for E x E Solutions (IIFES 2024)
Virtual Booth
Showcasing our products and solutions, we focus on "Flexible & Sustainable - Digital Manufacturing Innovating the Manufacturing Lifecycle."
International Robot Exhibition 2023 (iREX2023)
Virtual Booth
The theme of "Flexible & Sustainable - Robotics supporting your manufacturing lifecycle", is used to illustrate the value our products and solutions deliver.
JIMTOF2022 - Japan International Machine Tool Fair
Virtual Booth
Endless Evolution for Your Monozukuri
Processing Innovation and Digit alization Const antly
Suppor ting You from Introduction to Af ter-Sale Care
International Robot Exhibition 2022 (iREX2022)
Developed by combining products, solutions, and cutting-edge technologies of Mitsubishi Electric You can experience the concept demo virtually.
Innovative Industry Fair for E x E Solutions (IIFES 2022)
Virtual Booth
The digital transformation (DX) of the production site, ready to meet the "new manufacturing era".
Virtual Demo Solution Viewer
Virtually explore the concept demo and all its solutions, cutting edge technologies and products used.