
Drive Products - AC Servos-MELSERVO Dimensions/CAD

About copyright, and the operating environment, notes

Servo Motor

HK-JT Series



Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

  • (1) CAD data file formats
Format Extension Version
DXF .dxf 2000/LT 2000
DWG .dwg 2000/LT 2000

Decompress and use the downloaded compressed file.
Import the data into your CAD software.
DXF and DWG files do not include dimension lines or dimension labels.
Mitsubishi Electric has confirmed that the above CAD software applications will read DXF and DWG files.

  • (2) Important
    • - Because DXF files are intermediate files, the data is not fully compatible. Some CAD software may not read the files completely.
    • - These DXF and DWG files were created using millimeters as the unit. Dimensions indicated are valid to 2 decimal places.
  • (1) CAD data file formats
Format Extension Version
IGES .igs 5.2, 5.3
STEP .stp AP203
  • (2) Important
    • - The names of the downloaded compressed (zip) files may not always match the product model name.
    • - Decompress and use the downloaded compressed (zip) file.
    • - The basic format of the names of the decompressed 3D-CAD files is: "Product model name (lowercase alphanumeric characters)" + "_file version" + "extension". However, for some products, the product model names may be different. (E.g.: Where the product model name is "HF-KN053", the file version is "a" and the data format is "IGES", the file name is "hf-kn053_a.igs".)
    • - Where the decompressed 3D-CAD file name differs from the selected product model name (the external shape is identical), change the product model name (lowercase alphanumeric characters) to be used.
  • (3) 3D-CAD file models
    • - Details of the shape data are partly simplified to reduce the file size.
    • - Shapes that are not essential to the layout are omitted. This includes chamfering, corner radii, draft angles, screw threads, detailed screw head shapes, etc.
    • - As far as possible, 3D-CAD data models should be used for design and research.
    • - The content of 3D-CAD files is subject to change without notice for the purposes of product improvement, etc.
    • - 3D-CAD data is provided in the above formats. Where data imported by customers cannot be read correctly, import the data in a different format (STEP).
    • - 3D-CAD data is not guaranteed to be specified for Mitsubishi Electric products. Mitsubishi Electric accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damages arising from the use of 3D-CAD data.

By downloading 2D-CAD data or 3D-CAD data, you consent to the terms given above.