Products and solutions that contribute to the realization of a decarbonized societyContribution through visual insights

How Mitsubishi Electric's products, solutions and visualization technology support the journey towards a decarbonized society
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FA products (controllers, drives, robots etc.)
- Programmable logic controllers, MELSEC iQ-R
- Human machine interfaces, GOT2000 Series
- SCADA software GENESIS64™
How data visualization contributes
FA products (controllers, drives, robots etc.)

Programmable logic controllers, MELSEC iQ-R
These systems help automate a variety of equipment at manufacturing sites and by incorporating an optional power measuring module, energy data can also be collected and processed without increasing space and wiring. Furthermore, when energy values are compared with production data the programmable controller can calculate the power consumption per unit produced. This can then be the basis for implementing energy saving activities that take into account changes in production volume.
View product details(MELSEC iQ-R)

Human machine interfaces, GOT2000 Series
HMIs can replace the use of manual switches and lamps with software control that enables operation by touching graphical elements displayed on a screen. Various free of charge sample screen designs and projects are available including those that visualize energy data and energy consumption per unit produced. By leveraging these sample GOT screens it is very easy to quickly start energy-saving activities.

SCADA products can help visualize energy at all levels, from individual workplaces to the entire factory. In addition to presenting the amount of power and gas consumed, by using optional add-on products it is also possible to calculate the CO2 emissions per unit produced, which can then be used as an index for continuous improvement activities.
Power distribution products (low-voltage power distribution products, energy saving support devices etc.)

Energy measuring unit, EcoMonitorPlus
Hirotani Co., Ltd. started visualizing energy consumption after introducing the EcoMonitorPlus and other devices. By encouraging factory workers to save energy through visualizing consumption, they are accelerating their efforts to achieve their long-term goal of carbon neutrality.

Energy saving data collection server, EcoWebServerIII
EcoWebServerIII collects and visualizes energy data retreived from energy saving support devices such as Mitsubishi Electric's EcoMonitorPlus. Graphs of the collected data are displayed in a web browser helping to share the visualization and status of the current energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Energy saving support software, EcoAdviser
EcoAdviser is a software that can be used to represent the energy data graphically in an easy to understand manner. It provides comprehensive support for energy saving, such as understanding the real-time status of equipment, identifying energy losses and potential causes. It can also support verification of the effects of energy saving activities by using IoT and AI technology to manage and visualize CO2 emissions. A PDCA cycle can then be executed based on that data, helping to reduce emissions further.

Low-voltage circuit breakers, MDU breaker
MDU breakers are ideal for saving space and construction costs as they can both protect and monitor power circuits. When used with a measuring and monitoring unit, the MDU breaker will monitor the status of electric circuits and can share that data over one of the supported communication networks such as B/NET, CC-Link, or MODBUS, to the host system. Building systems in this way enables scalable, centralized monitoring, by production line or for an entire factory.
The MDU breakers have built-in current (CT) and voltage transformers (VT), eliminating the need for any additional wiring or measuring devices, making it possible to reduce the size of the distribution board, shorten the construction period and reduce construction costs.