Europe Middle East & Africa
In addition to giving back to the local community by supporting children's homes we aim to advance cultural exchange through our involvement with the Museum of Oriental Arts in Moscow. Furthermore we combine employee involvement with our efforts to improve the environment, through such activities as tree planting.
Science and Technology Mitsubishi Electric Russia Has Equipped the Refrigeration Department of Bauman University with an Air-to-Water Heat Pump Laboratory Bench
Mitsubishi Electric Russia has been actively providing support for Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU) for several years. In 2013, the partnership was made official with the signing of a memorandum of cooperation.
On June 29, 2015, as part of the corporate program for developing cooperation with higher educational institutions in Russia, the Air Conditioning and Ventilation Department of Mitsubishi Electric Russia installed an air-to-water heat pump laboratory bench at the Refrigeration Department of Bauman MSTU.
For the purpose of hands-on training, the laboratory was additionally equipped with sensors and controllers for the measurement of flow temperatures at critical points in the refrigerant and water circuits. This laboratory bench is designed to support the students who have chosen the Refrigerating, Cryogenic, Air Conditioning Systems and Utilities Department (E-4) of the Power Plant Engineering Faculty in carrying out their laboratory activities using an air-to-water heat pump.
Currently, in conjunction with the Department professors, Mitsubishi Electric Russia employees take part in the development of the unique educational program on heat pumps, including laboratory activities with the use of the laboratory bench, aimed to give the future engineers both theoretical and practical skills in operating advanced equipment.

Culture and Arts, Sports Mitsubishi Electric Russia Sponsors Japanese Cultural Events in Moscow
Mitsubishi Electric Russia places great importance on the promotion of Japanese cultural events in Russia. They have supported two local festivals in Moscow as part of their continued efforts.
The 48th Annual Festival of Japanese Movies included Japanese movies that won Japanese Academy Awards, as well as Japanese movies that had been widely recognized in Europe and nominated for some of the most prestigious European movie awards. The Festival was held from November 19 to 25, 2014 at Formula Horizon Cinema in Moscow.
For more information about the film festival, visit:
Another festival called "J-FEST" included movies, theater performances, dance shows, contemporary music concerts, open lectures, classes, fashion competitions, and many other activities designed for as wide an audience as possible.
The event was held from November 29 to 30, 2014 at Cosmos Concert Hall in Moscow.
Social Welfare Help for Volodya
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Russian Branch, guided by a global corporate policy of social responsibility, regularly executes various projects and events aimed to help people who need assistance, such as children, large families, and elderly people. The employees are willing to participate in these types of activities in order to provide as much support as they can.
This year, as a sign of support and solidarity in the local community, Mitsubishi Electric made a decision to help one little boy—Volodya Brezgin, who is suffering from an unknown genetic disease. The Russian Branch had found out about Volodya from one of its employees. When the company searched for a European clinic that could accept the child, one German clinic agreed to treat Volodya. The cost of treatment was about one million rubles. Thanks to a contribution from Mitsubishi Electric, the goal has almost been reached, and now only 200,000 more rubles need to be collected. Volodya's parents hope that they will be able to go to Germany this spring.
Social Welfare Culture and Arts, Sports Support for Exhibition Featuring Art Created by Children with Serious Illnesses
The early part of 2014 was marked by the start of Mitsubishi Electric's sponsorship of "Gift of Life," an esteemed fund for sick children. From February 15 to March 15, the fund's 11th art exhibition—entitled "I Am at Home"— took place in Zurab Tsereteli Gallery of Arts.
The art exhibition coincided with International Childhood Cancer Day. The drawings are exhibited every year as part of rehabilitation programs for children undergoing treatment for serious illnesses. The event is aimed to attract public attention to the difficulties children with cancer face and to eliminate stereotypes about the incurability of such diseases.
This year, the art exhibition was a truly multimedia project where works mounted on easels, photos, shadow objects, videos, and mosaics were displayed. Children had created these works throughout the entire year. To share all of the art with visitors, Mitsubishi Electric provided a number of LCD panels and projectors, as well as a system for instant photo printing. They hope that this is only the beginning of a successful partnership with the "Gift of Life" fund.

Science and Technology Russian Branch Has Become a General Partner of the Summer School of Engineering Business KLIPPER 2014
The Russian Branch of Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. now participates as a general partner of the Summer School of Engineering Business KLIPPER, organized by Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The 2nd Summer School was held from July 5 to 11, 2014, on the campus of Tver State University.
The main objective pursued by the organizers of the school is to promote and develop the business and management skills of students of technical faculties.
This year, thirty participants from all over the country worked on the commercialization of the robot Ermishka. Students were supported by experts who on a daily basis shared their experiences and knowledge through lectures, seminars, workshops, and games.

Social Welfare Culture and Arts, Sports Russian Branch supports Golf Style & Music 2012 event
Mitsubishi Electric Europe, B.V. (Russian Branch) recently supported "Golf Style & Music 2012", which was held in June at Moscow city Golf Club. This year the traditional "Golf Style" tournament joined with the charitable organisation "Hands' Music", supported by Yury Rozum - a famous Russian pianist who supports talented children of all ages. During the Spanish-styled evening celebrations there were music performances by foster-children as well as a charitable auction, with all monies raised donated to the charity fund.