Addressing social challenges through our businesses

Life Business Area

Providing Solutions for Creating Comfortable, Safe, and Secure Environments in All Living Spaces

The Life Business Area provides solutions for creating comfortable, safe, and secure environments in all living spaces by leveraging components in the Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Systems Business and knowledge and assets of the recurring revenue business model in the Building Systems Business, both of which are key growth businesses of Mitsubishi Electric.​

Our Living Environment & Digital Media Equipment Group is working to create comfortable spaces in a wide range of areas, from homes to stores, offices, and factories. It does this by providing components, such as air conditioning, ventilation, and hot water systems, all of which deliver outstanding energy-saving performance and comfort, as well as by making proposals for lifestyle solutions based on IoT. Our Building Systems Group operates upgrade services for existing elevators and escalators that reduce power consumption and improve safety and convenience, while also helping to reduce waste emissions by repurposing some equipment. We are also supporting the transition of customers to net Zero- Energy Buildings, and we are contributing to the realization of smart buildings and smart cities by providing building management and support services utilizing our proprietary IoT platform.​

Contributing to Society through the Building Systems Business and the Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Systems Business

We are committed to helping to build a comfortable and sustainable society where human beings and the environment are both valued. We work to achieve this across a wide range of areas, from offices, factories and homes, to products and services related to air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, to building systems.

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A Service that Uses Home Appliances to Provide Monitoring Services to Family Members who Live Far Away​


For family members who live far away may be concerned about elderly people living alone. Mitsubishi Electric provides MeAMOR,* a subscription service that enables customers to monitor the conditions of elderly people living alone and others in similar situations through the use of home appliances, the indoor temperature, and others. If the air conditioner, the refrigerator, or the water heater is not used for an extended period or another unusual trend is detected, the system notifies the connected application to alert family members living far away. Use of home appliances makes it possible to monitor the living conditions of family members without invading their privacy.

  • * A word coined by our company to encourage communication among family members inspired by the Latin word for love (amore).


Creating a Lifelike Blue Sky in Various Spaces

Blue-sky Lighting "misola"

Blue-sky Lighting "misola" was born from the idea of bringing lighting that mimics the blue sky into the lives of people who want to feel comfortable in a natural environment. In pursuit of the reproducibility of the blue sky, we developed a scatter panel that expresses an endlessly expanding blue sky with no visible light points. We even intended to create a shadowed part of the frame to express the natural light streaming through the frame, which is designed to look like sunshine. This effect brings a sense of openness to rooms even without windows, and serves as a means of stimulating communication and helping to create a restful atmosphere, and has therefore been delivered to many clients.

photo: Blue-sky Lighting "misola"

Blue-sky Lighting "misola"