Message from Top Management
Dear colleagues
Our Values that are shared equally by all members of Mitsubishi Electric Group declare that "we act with high ethical standards and comply with laws and social norms."
Based on these Values, we must fully recognize as our responsibility that adherence to ethics and compliance forms the basis for the company to remain in business, and we must never engage in conduct that violates ethics and compliance and always act with integrity.
In recent years, however, Mitsubishi Electric Group has been faced with a series of quality-related misconduct and other situations that could cause us to lose the trust of our stakeholders that we have built up over the years.
Each member of the top management team, including myself, must take this misconduct seriously.
In order for Mitsubishi Electric Group to remain capable of sustainable growth, we must work to foster a corporate culture that compels us to always "do the right thing" with strong determination and enthusiasm to make continuous changes for the better. If your workplace still has the mindset or culture that prioritizes profit and efficiency over compliance, please work to change it immediately.
In the course of your daily work, if you have doubts or discomforts about your own actions or the practices of your department or workplace, please promptly consult with your manager or the department in charge of compliance. In addition, those of you in managerial and supervisory positions must foster a workplace culture in which subordinates can consult with you without hesitation and take serious action to correct problems when you are consulted.
Mitsubishi Electric Group has a history of over a century. For the sake of our next 100 years of contributing to the realization of a vibrant and sustainable society, let us work together, with the flames of change always burning in each of our hearts, to create a new Mitsubishi Electric Group that is overflowing with pride and a strong sense of ethics.

Kei Uruma