
Basic philosophy

The Mitsubishi Electric Group has clearly outlined our vision for 2050 in our Environmental Vision 2050, establishing our future course to environmental contribution within our organization as environmental policies to promote our efforts in realizing a sustainable global environment.

Climate change initiatives (Disclosure based on TCFD)

The Mitsubishi Electric Group has expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and, as such, the Group promotes efforts and discloses information in line with these recommendations.

Environmental management system

The Mitsubishi Electric Group operates an ISO 14001:2015 compliant environmental management system that covers Mitsubishi Electric and its major affiliated companies.

Helping to build a green society

To help build a green society, Mitsubishi Electric is promoting environmentally conscious design across a wide range of products, maximizing energy efficiency in buildings and facilities, expanding the use of renewable energy, effectively utilizing plastic waste, and actively engaging in nature-positive initiatives.

Environmental considerations in value chain management

Mitsubishi Electric implements a range of initiatives that consider the environment throughout the value chain, from the development of products through their use and recycling.

Biodiversity preservation activities

Mitsubishi Electric is steadily promoting initiatives demonstrating the connection between our business activities and biodiversity preservation, with each of our business sites setting forth action plans for preserving local endemic species, controlling invasive species, and developing green spaces in consideration of the surrounding ecosystem.

Environmental data

Mitsubishi Electric discloses three years’ worth of data on material balance and greenhouse gas emissions across its business activities and value chain.

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations

Nature symbiosis initiatives and educational content

Report archive