Basic Policy on 
Product Security

While providing products and services, it is Mitsubishi Electric’s duty to take appropriate measures to ensure security related to product and service vulnerabilities (hereafter referred to as "Product Security") so as not to cause any significant damage to or impact on our customers.

In order to ensure that customers use products and services with confidence, we confirm that the importance of product security is made known to all of our executives and employees dealing with relevant products and services. We will strive to improve and maintain Product Security by periodic inspection and review.

Legal Compliance

We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to Product Security. In addition, we will take appropriate measures to protect personal information in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Policy.


We will establish a Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) at our head office and every factory as a system to manage Product Security activities.

Education and Training

In order to improve knowledge and technology related to Product Security and to create a corporate culture that thoroughly promotes these principles, we will continuously conduct Product Security training with all our executives and employees dealing with products and services.

Product Development

We will incorporate requirements and verification methods of industry standards and guidelines related to Product Security into our product development as appropriate.

Incident Response (Response to Product Accident)

In case of an occurrence of a Product Security issue, we will investigate the cause and take action to correct the situation while preventing a recurrence. Information will be provided to customers through our website and other means, where necessary or appropriate, with government/ regulatory bodies or related organizations.