R&D centers
Communication Systems Engineering Center

Toru Watanabe
Senior General Manager,
Communication Systems Engineering Center
Shaping the future to meet customer needs by leveraging the power of systems engineering
Mitsubishi Electric’s business segments are our fields.
With communication and video technologies as our core, we will shape the future to meet our customers’ needs with the power of systems engineering. We strive every day to develop solutions for this purpose.
Our primary role is to contribute to addressing societal challenges by creating new systems that incorporate next-generation technologies in a timely manner, leveraging Mitsubishi Electric's latest solutions and knowledge of R&D centers.
To realize our goal of becoming a Circular Digital-Engineering Company, we continue to contribute to the expansion and development of the Company’s businesses while evolving every day as a professional group of systems engineering.

Network system/Video security system
Address: Tokyo Building, 2-7-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8310, Japan
Phone: 0081(3) 3218-2111
Address: Grand Front Osaka Tower A 18F, 4-20, Marunouchi, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8206, Japan
Phone: 0081(6) 6486-4000