Terms of Use

Please be sure to read the below Terms of Use.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and its defined production company for this project own all the copyrights of images created using this website, including those edited using the editing function of the website.
You may use the created images without any restrictions, except in the following cases, which are prohibited.

・Use for commercial/advertising purposes
・Use in any way that could damage the brand image of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
・Any use that is in contravention of applicable laws or public morals
・Other uses that Mitsubishi Electric Corporation deems inappropriate

In the event that there has been any conduct corresponding to any of the cases above, you will be requested to discontinue your use immediately.
Please ensure that your use does not breach any rights of other people, including copyrights and portrait rights. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation shall not be held liable for any violation of those rights.