Transportation Systems
Products and Solutions
Train Systems
A system integrator that provides powering,
braking, control and comfort functions
—all from one single company.
Mitsubishi Electric delivers overall optimized control for train systems
by incorporating the Train Control and Management System (TCMS)
as the main component. Our creation of system platforms for
the collection and utilization of train monitoring data in cooperation
with wayside equipment enables us to also realize CBM*1.
*1 Condition Based Maintenance
Train Control and
Management System (TCMS)
Employs high-speed and high-volume Ethernet conforming to international standards.
Allows communication between trains and wayside equipment.

Powering trains safely and stably
Propulsion systems / Power supply unit
Propulsion control and power supply unit that incorporates leading-edge inverter control. We support safety and comfortable operation with proven AC motors and drive equipment in addition to the latest technologies.
Full-SiC*2 VVVF inverter
Using the next-generation material SiC, we have realized a 40% reduction in power consumption, in addition to 40% reduced volume and mass.
*2 Silicon carbide: A compound of carbon and silicon

SiC auxiliary power supply
Optimization of switching frequency realizes a 30% reduction in power loss and 20% reduced volume and mass.

Hybrid SiC power module for traction applications
Contributes to realizing further increases in efficiency and reductions in size and weight in train devices.

Traction motor
40% reduction in traction motor loss and reduced noise; elimination of necessity for cleaning and use of cartridge bearings reduces maintenance time by 3/4.

Gear unit
The use of cylindrical roller bearings and a vertical suspension configuration simplifies maintenance and assembly. Test verification in comprehensive test facilities ensures complete reliability.

Low-noise WN coupling
Optimal tooth shape design ensures reliability while realizing low noise even when coasting.

Traction transformer
Saves energy, minimizes maintenance and reduces noise with a natural air cooling system.

Safe and secure braking / Automatic control
Brake control unit / Security equipment / Automatic train operation
We support safe train operation via brake control unit manufacture with a history of more than 90 years standing behind it, reliable failsafe technologies, and automatic operation technologies.
Brake control unit
A configuration the integrates electrical and pneumatic brake control sections reduces volume and mass by 80% against conventional systems.

Integrated security device
Apply to multiple signal systems like ATS*3, ATC*4 and communications-based train control (CBTC), etc.
*3 Automatic Train Stop *4 Automatic Train Control

Automatic Train Operation (ATO)
A learning function increases ride comfort and the precision of stops, while predictive control for busy periods realizes energy-saving operation.

Convenience and comfort / Providing spaces in which passengers can feel safety and secure
Services / Security equipment
We contribute to improve passenger services with air conditioning considering both people and the environment, and image display incorporating the latest information technology. We also work to enhance onboard security.
HVAC (Air conditioning)
Multiple temperature sensors allow the onboard environment to be controlled to a comfortable ambient temperature.

Linedelier (Linear fan)
Contributes to increased air conditioning efficiency by directing air across a wide area of the train interior.

Onboard display (Full-color LED)
Able to display more than 68.7 billion colors and multiple languages; formulating the data for display is also a simple matter.

Train Vision
(Passenger information system)
High-definition videos and animation displays boost advertising value; power consumption has also been reduced by 22%.

Onboard crime prevention systems
High-resolution cameras monitor and record every part of the train, deterring crime. Functions can also be expanded to live display of the driver’s cabin, etc.

Today, “Shinkansen” is a word that the entire world knows. Mitsubishi Electric traction transformers and Converter-Inverter support the operation of the Shinkansen network. The advanced technologies that we cultivated during development for the Shinkansen, a domain in which limit performance is demanded, are highly regarded. Now it has been applied to urban lines and LRV*5 in AC catenary systems. Together with our air conditioning systems that create a comfortable onboard space, the application of these technologies continues to expand.
*5 Light Rail Vehicle

The use of SiC module reduces size and increases efficiency.

Traction transformers for high speed railways
A proprietary configuration reduces oil use in addition to realizing reductions in size and weight; we have also worked to reduce the necessary maintenance.

HVAC (Air conditioning) (Shinkansen)
Compressor controlled by inverter enables fine control of onboard temperature.