Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050

The company’s new Environmental Sustainability Vision 2050 positions environmental protection as an even greater corporate priority and stipulates increased initiatives toward this end. The vision establishes Mitsubishi Electric’s future course for implementing key initiatives based on its Environmental Declaration and Three Environmental Action Guidelines toward 2050.
Basic policy
The Mitsubishi Electric Group has established the following basic policies regarding the environmental initiatives of each group company.
Climate change initiatives (Disclosure based on TCFD)
- Governance
- Strategy
- Risk management
- Metrics and targets
Environmental management system
- Scope of environmental management
- PDCA cycle for environment-related targets and measures
- Sharing information with environmental managers in each organization
- ISO certification
- Environmental audits
- Preventing environmental incidents
- Training of environmental personnel
- Environmental plan
Helping to build a green society
- Carbon neutrality and circular economy measures
- Nature-positive initiative
Environmental considerations in value chain management
- Implementation of environmentally conscious design—Utilization of e-Pro system
- Resource recycling initiatives -Improving the usage rate of recycled plastics
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from plants and offices
- Effective use of plastic waste
- Specification and disposal of hazardous wastes
- Reducing water usage
- Managing chemical substances
- Environmental considerations in logistics
- Contribution to reducing CO2 emissions from product usage
- Recovery/recycling of used home appliances at a specialized recycling plant
Biodiversity preservation activities
- Biodiversity preservation measures at business sites
- Quantitative assessment based on the biodiversity guidelines (check sheet)
Creating a society in tune with nature
- Group biodiversity action guidelines
- Mitsubishi Electric Outdoor Classroom
- Preserving biodiversity at business sites
Recycling technologies
Until now, it was considered difficult to recirculate plastics, or recycle them from home electronics appliances for reuse in new home electronics appliances, as only 6% of the material could be recycled. However, Japan's first large-scale, high-purity plastics recycling system has raised that rate to 80%, more than 10 times the previous level. We will introduce the secret behind this technology, and how it evolved.