History of Mitsubishi Electric

History of
Mitsubishi Electric
From it’s founding in 1921, Mitsubishi Electric has been at the forefront of Japan’s technical ingenuity and product innovation. From it’s first hit product—an electric fan for consumer use—Mitsubishi Electric has continued to create a long list of “firsts” and groundbreaking new technologies that have shaped its business fields all around the world.

our foundations

Mitsubishi Electric’s first major commercial product was an electric fan, which soon became a bestseller nationally.

The first Mitsubishi Electric television, launched in 1953, spawned an ongoing tradition of excellence in audio and visual systems.

Innovating Japan’s

Mitsubishi Electric released a 37-inch color TV.

Mitsubishi Electric developed the optical neurochip, along with numerous other key devices and semiconductors to help realize the upcoming computer age.

what’s possible

By producing the world’s first GPS-based car navigation system, Mitsubishi Electric began paving the way for the kind of automotive innovations that are transforming automobiles today.

Providing technologies to help create the Subaru Telescope (in Hawaii, the U.S.) of the National Astronomical Observatory Japan, Mitsubishi Electric is helping experts to observe the stars.

a step ahead

Mitsubishi Electric developed an encryption standard called MISTY® for 3rd-generation mobile telephony, enshrining its place as a leader in encryption technologies.

History was made when the “KOUNOTORI” (HTV) unmanned supply vehicle docked with the ISS. Mitsubishi Electric created the “brain” that made this rendezvous a reality.

Always seeking
the cutting-edge

GE-PON (Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical network) systems achieved “top share” in Japan. Mitsubishi Electric continues to be a major force in next-generation communication systems.

Mitsubishi Electric contributed to the completion of the “Hayabusa” Series E5, holder of the Japanese speed record for a train. Transportation system excellence embodied.
History of the Mitsubishi Group
Since 1870, when Yataro Iwasaki launched the first Mitsubishi company, the Mitsubishi Group has grown into a suite of independent companies that are active today in nearly every sector of industry.

History of our corporate logo
From the history of the “three-diamond” emblem to the birth of our globally recognized logo, this is the story of Mitsubishi Electric’s corporate logo and corporate statement.